
The government is in a hurry to provide fuel for the agricultural season

 Sudan Events – Rehab


The Vice President of the Sudan Farmers’ Association – Rain Sector – Ghariq Kamal, hastened the membership of the gathering to sit down with the government and those responsible for the agricultural sector, for the purpose of thinking about the next agricultural season 2024 and arranging the situation in its new form in light of the exceptional circumstances that the country is going through.


Ghariq called for the development of proposals, and stressed the necessity of urgent action because the issue of the locust pest has become worrying and has broken the back of agriculture. He stressed the necessity of starting to arrange for the agricultural season despite the continuation of the war, because it is not right to ignore agriculture or stop production, and he emphasized that continuing production is considered one of the mechanisms of resistance against the militia.

In his speech to the assembly (Wednesday), Ghariq pledged the entry into the agricultural season to provide gasoline to all states of White Nile, Sennar, Blue Nile and South Kordofan before the arrival of June, and warned that it would not arrive before autumn. He also warned of an increase in gasoline prices if it did not arrive before autumn.

At the same time, Ghariq stressed the need for the government to provide pesticides and aircraft to combat locusts and locusts, pointing out that the locusts have invaded South Kordofan State in a frightening manner that requires urgent control.

Ghariq called for tight coordination with the state of South Sudan for the purpose of pest control, noting that the southern border is considered the main incubator and most of the pests come from it, and he pointed out the importance of joint pest control.


For his part, the member of the Farmers’ Association, Abdul Rahim Al-Taher Al-Tijani, called for urgent action to bring gasoline in early, via the Gedaref-Dindir road to the western and southern states, before the rains fall, and to combat pests before the beginning of autumn.

Al-Fatih assembly member Youssef Hussein warned against procrastinating the arrival of gasoline, pointing out that the problem lies in the fact that the Al-Megrah-Aburkham-Dandar road is a dirt road with no dirt, with rain expected at the end of April, which will lead to the road being interrupted.

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