
(1140) Forced Disappearance Cases during Sudan War, Detected

Events – Agencies

The Sudanese Group for Victims of Enforced Disappearance has revealed, on Thursday, an increase in the rates of enforced disappearances during a year of war.

The Group confirmed in a report according to “Sudan Tribune” the disappearance of 1,140 people, including 998 men and 27 minor children, including 20 boys and 7 girls, in addition to 116 girls and 11 people with psychological disorders.

It revealed a number of people whose date of loss or place of disappearance were not accurately determined, and it said, as part of its effort to find out the fate of the missing people, that it had submitted 7 requests for urgent action to the Special Committee on Enforced Disappearances at the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

The Group announced that, through its monitoring and testimonies from survivors, it confirmed the presence of Rapid Support Forces (RSF) detention centers in the Sports City in Khartoum, the Administrative Unit Office in the Hajj Youssef suburb, east of Khartoum, 17 buildings at the Kilo station in Halfaya, north of Bahri, the headquarters of the Operations Authority near Khartoum Airport, and Taiba Camp, south of Khartoum, next to the First Class Department, Soba Prison, Abu Adam Department in Khartoum, an auction house in Bahri, the permanent headquarters of the camps, the Kalakla Al-Lafa Police Department, a house next to the warehouses south of the capital, the Open University of Sudan, the Al-Azhari Department, the Criminal Evidence Department in Burri, the Parachutes in Bahri, the Forensic Evidence Department in the east of Khartoum, a headquarters in Kafouri in Khartoum North, and Office 13 in the East.  The Nile and buildings next to Afra Center and next to Mack Nimr Bridge in Khartoum.


The report referred to RSF detention centers in the central section of Wad Medani, the Hassahissa Police Station, and a headquarters in the Fadasi area.

It confirmed that the number of missing people in Khartoum reached 389 people, 281 people in Khartoum Bahri, 277 missing people in Omdurman, and 12 missing people in Jabal Al-Awliya, south of Khartoum.

Cases of missing persons were also recorded in the state of Gezira, including 36 missing persons in Wad Medani, 8 missing in Al-Hassahissa, 6 missing in Rufa’a, 3 completely missing, 3 missing in Al-Manaqil, and 2 in Abu Quta.

The report monitored 10 missing people in the city of El Obeid, 4 missing people in Umm Rawaba in North Kordofan state, 5 missing people in El Fasher in North Darfur, 4 missing people in Nyala, 2 missing people in Idd Al-Fursan area in South Darfur, 4 missing people in Sennar state, 2 from Kassala state, and one missing person in each; Gedaref, Atbara, Al-Fula, El Geneina, Zalingei, Al-Rahad, Kass and Saraf Amra, Bara, Al-Serif and Tandelti.

The Sudanese Group for Victims of Enforced Disappearance indicated that the RSF used to demand ransom from the families of missing persons in exchange for their release. According to the report, the citizen “Al-Hardlo” reported that his cousin was arrested by the RSFand was taken to an unknown destination and was not released until he paid the ransom estimated at approximately $4,000.


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