
Details of Security Council’s deliberations regarding Sudan

Sudan Events – Report

On Friday, the UN Security Council held a session at its headquarters in New York on the situation in Sudan.
The Arab Experts Center for Press Services and Public Opinion Studies published a summary of the Security Council’s deliberations on Sudan, and below (Sudan Events) publishes the text of those deliberations.
1/ At the Security Council headquarters in New York, starting from three o’clock in the afternoon until five o’clock in the evening on Friday: April 19, 2024, and under deliberations under the number (9611), the security session was held to brief on the situation in Sudan.
2/ The meeting heard many speeches, most notably:
_ Speech of the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
_Speech by the President of the Security Council for the current session.
_A speech by the representative of the African Union.
_A speech by the United Nations Chief Humanitarian Operations Officer.
_ Speeches of the Council’s permanent and temporary members, 10 words.
_ Speech of the Sudanese representative to the Security Council.
3/ The most prominent things indicated by the speech of the Secretary-General of the United Nations are: the poor humanitarian conditions in Sudan – the need to reach an urgent halt to the conflict – the crimes and atrocities of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Darfur and various fields of conflict in general – the spread of crime and violence in areas controlled by the RSF – the attack Repeated attacks on El Fasher and its role in complicating humanitarian operations – Obstructing relief efforts – Emphasis on the Jeddah humanitarian declaration dated May 11, 2023 – The RSF’ lack of seriousness in adhering to the declaration and repeated violations of humanitarian truces – Emphasis on the sovereignty of the Sudanese state and the necessity of its participation in any efforts to resolve the crisis in Sudan .
4/ The words of the representatives of the countries, although they differed in some details, indicate that they generally agreed on basic points, the most important of which are: the necessity of serious and immediate work to stop the conflict – the necessity of returning to the Jeddah negotiating platform – the necessity of full commitment to the decisions of the Jeddah Humanitarian Declaration, which contains 3 main clauses and 21 sub-clauses. They all talk about protecting civilians and keeping civilian objects away from the fighting – condemning external interference in the conflict and the need to stop it – condemning the violations and crimes of the RSF in Darfur and other regions.
5/ The speech of the permanent members of the Council and France specifically aimed to shed light on the Paris Conference on April 15, 2024, the efforts that were made in it, and the necessity of forcing both parties to the conflict to submit to the will of the international community in stopping the conflict in Sudan. While Britain, for its part, stressed the need to stop the conflict, and its intention to redouble humanitarian efforts.
6/ The Sudanese representative to the Security Council presented an extensive and distinguished speech that contained basic points: Emphasizing that the RSF Militia is an outlaw militia that rebelled against the armed forces, and that it was the one who started the fighting and aggression – Demanding the naming of the parties to the external aggression in preparation for punishing them – Providing sufficient information About the interference of external parties and states in the conflict and their continuous supply of militias. With weapons, equipment, and combat vehicles, the latest of which is 1,200 cars on their way to cross Chad to the city of El Geneina – Emphasizing the need to respect national sovereignty – RSF violations and violations – Documents, satellite images, and reports from national, regional and international humanitarian centers and observatories – What the armed forces practice is a right guaranteed to them for self-defense It is waging a defensive war in which it adheres to international laws, conventions, and rules of engagement of great popular support for the armed forces and rallying around them.

7/ The report of the United Nations experts on the humanitarian situation indicated the internal displacement of a number ranging between 10 to 15 million people fleeing the war, and the asylum of between 350,000 – 750,000 refugees outside Sudan, most of them from the Masalit tribe, to the state of Chad, with reference to the state of Egypt, which is located on Its lands: 3 million Sudanese refugees.
8/ The strengths that Sudan has achieved so far in the deliberations of the Security Council are:
_ Emphasizing the national sovereignty of the state and the necessity of its actual participation in efforts to end the conflict.
_ Strong criticism of external parties that contribute to providing logistical support and supplying weapons to the RSF militias.
_ Complete condemnation of all crimes and violations of the RSF in their various forms and types.
_ Emphasis on the Jeddah Humanitarian Declaration dated May 11, 2023 and the necessity of adhering to it.
9/The final statement of the deliberations has not yet been issued, and it is expected to be issued mostly on Monday, and so far there are no draft resolutions submitted by any party.
10/ What has happened so far, unless there are surprises in the next session, represents a major victory for Sudanese diplomacy and a complete condemnation of the violations of the RSF and their crimes against humanity, and strongly indicates the imminent return to negotiation in the Jeddah platform.

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