
Turk to (Al-Burhan): We Are Ready to Engage in Popular Resistance

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

On Sunday, the President of the Sovereign Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan, received the delegation of the Hadandawa chiefs in the localities of Port Sudan, Suakin, Tokar, Sankat, Haya and Dordib, headed by Nazir Mohammad Ahmed Al-Amin Turk.
Nazir Turk said in a press statement that the delegation includes representatives of native administrations, political leaders, national figures and youth, noting that the delegation confirmed its full support and unlimited support for the armed forces in the battle of dignity against the rebel terrorist Rapid Support militia (RSF). He added that the delegation also confirmed their readiness to engage in the popular resistance in support of the armed forces in this national epic.
He stressed that the meeting comes within the framework of supporting and endorsing the armed forces in their sacred battle against the rebellion, as well as to congratulate them on the victories they have achieved recently.
Turk said that the delegation expressed its thanks and appreciation to the President of the Sovereign Council for his continued support for all localities in the Red Sea State through the rehabilitation and development of service facilities despite the circumstances the country is going through.
Turk called for the need for the people of Sudan to come together and strengthen national cohesion in order to overcome this crisis that the country is going through, stressing the necessity of establishing the Sudanese state under the existing government and agreeing on a road map among all components of the Sudanese people to manage the transitional phase.

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