
Mubarak Al-Fadil: An Israeli Company Stopped Broadcasting Militia Rumors

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Mubarak Al-Fadil Al-Mahdi, head of the Umma Party, has said that what he described as a “mercenary militia” after being surrounded by international defeats and condemnations and the dispersion of its leaders between the Gulf and East Africa, they activated the counterfeiting and propaganda rooms, especially after an Israeli company stopped feeding the sphere of propaganda to the militia with fabricated materials and fake accounts, in order to accumulate Indebtedness. He confirmed that as a result of the withdrawal of the specialized Israeli company, the militia forged decisions with the names of ministers and movement leaders and forged decisions signed by Lieutenant General Al-Burhan.
He added, “I do not care about the actions of these naive, ignorant people, but what prompted me to comment is their publication of a forged letter in the name of Lieutenant General Al-Burhan directing the withdrawal of citizenship from the Arab tribes of Darfur and Kordofan, and another forged letter in my name that supports what was stated in the forged letter in the name of Al-Burhan. These forged letters withdraw citizenship with intent,” aimed at spreading discord and inciting these tribes to fight with the militia after the leaders of the Arab tribes refused to recruit their sons to fight against the state. Rather, the Misseriya fought the militia in Babanusa and expelled it from Al-Meiram and the Rizeigat Al-Mahamid declared their side with the state and fought with the army.
Al-Fadil pointed out in a tweet that the Rizeigat Coordination Committee issued several statements rejecting the militia and siding with the state, as well as the Hamar tribe announced its siding with the state and fighting with the army.

He said, “When this war ends, these Arab tribes will pursue the criminal Dagalo family to avenge the killing of their sons, who threw them into the holocaust of war and left them and their families to live in safety in their palaces outside Sudan.”
He added that the Ansari faith unites me with these Arab tribes, and I have repeatedly declared that these tribes are not responsible for the mistakes of some of those who affiliate with them in accordance with the Qur’anic text.
Al-Fadil stressed that all the people of Sudan, with all their tribes and ethnicities, and at the forefront of them are all the tribes of Darfur, headed by the Nazir Madibu, the Nazir Ali Al-Jullah, the Sultan Ali Dinar, and all the leaders of the Arab and non-Arab tribes, fought with Imam Mahdi and participated in the liberation of Sudan.
He continued, “Darfur has remained loyal to the Umma Party, and the Umma Party has won the Arab, Masalit, Fur, and Zaghawa constituencies in all elections since independence. This reality prompted the militia leader to seek an alliance with us, but we refused and gave him advice.”

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