
The Militia Violations Committee Prosecutes those Accused by Interpol

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The National Committee has recorded serious human rights violations and deliberate sabotage of infrastructure by the Rapid Support (RSF) Militia; It issued a number of reports and registered a number of criminal cases against the militia and its collaborators, stressing that it will continue to work on issuing red notices through the Interpol police to pursue the accused abroad to complete the procedures for bringing them to trial.
The committee said in a statement that it had registered a case under the number (202/1790) under Articles (24/14) of the Information Crimes Law and Articles (69/66/64) of the Criminal Code of 1991 against the “Sky News Arabia” channel and the broadcaster that presented the false report. – Mubarak Khater’s praises – regarding the presence of ISIS in areas controlled by the army in Sudan, and used a video dating back to 2016 from an African country.
Reports were also registered in the states of Gezira, Gedaref, Kassala, River Nile, and the North, according to the Sudanese Criminal Code, including crimes against the state, Articles (186) to (194) Crimes against Humanity, Articles (9/8/7/6/5) of the Anti-Terrorism Law, and Articles ( 21 and (26) of the Criminal Code relating to participation and assistance.
It announced the start of completing the lists of wanted persons who support the militia and everyone against whom evidence is proven indicating their participation in the violations committed by the militia, whether through incitement or criminal participation, stressing that it will continue to work on issuing red notices through the Interpol police to pursue the accused abroad to complete the procedures and bring them to trial.
The committee warned all instigators and collaborators with the rebel militia that the law would affect them, and said that it had directed the prosecution during its recent visit to a number of states to work to bring those involved to fair trials after meeting all necessary conditions, noting that a number of complaints had been decided by the competent courts, while the prosecution is examining some cases, the most prominent of which is the criminal case (2023/5010) related to crimes of public rights, undermining the regime, and provoking war against the state. It is one of the largest cases registered under Articles (191/190/189/187/186/163/162/59/58/). 57/51/50/21) of the Criminal Code of 1991 and contains more than 200 defendants.
These reports also include cases related to the states of Darfur, including the criminal case (2023/5005) related to the crimes of genocide and the events in the city of El Geneina, the criminal case (2023/5614) related to the killing of the governor of West Darfur, and the criminal case (2023/8798) related to the events in the city of Zalingei and the case. Criminal Code (2024/621) related to the events in the city of Ardemta.
The committee confirmed in a statement that a criminal case had been registered regarding the drone incident launched by elements suspected of belonging to the rebel militia in the city of Atbara, which targeted a gathering for a Ramadan Iftar and claimed the lives of 13 people and injured others. A report had also been registered under espionage materials following the seizure of military equipment and jamming devices in the city. The city of Atbara, and the committee said that it directed the chief prosecutors to file reports against collaborators who carry out actions that harm the security and safety of citizens in safe areas and provide intelligence information to the rebel militia so that it can carry out its terrorist crimes.
A lawsuit was also registered against the so-called Hassan Braima, the so-called Adam Al-Nour, and the so-called Saddam, due to the militia’s claim that they were appointed to the judicial apparatus, the police, and the prosecution in the Al-Nasr neighborhood sector in Jebal Awliya, Khartoum State, under Articles. (183/115/93/66/63/51/50) of the Criminal Code, Articles (27/24/14) of the Anti-Cybercrime Law, and Articles (6/5) of the Anti-Terrorism Law.
The committee noted that a large number of reports regarding the crime of rape committed by members of the rebel RSF were registered under the numbers (2023/4390), (2023/4389), (2023/5101), (2024/1164) and (2024/1444) in violation of the provisions of Articles (175/149/21) of the Criminal Code of 1991 and the report No. (2024/53) under Article (45/B/A) of the Children’s Law of 2010 and Article (188) of the Criminal Code of 1991, in addition to a group of reports especially for crimes of rape in a number of other states. The committee also monitored a number of reports regarding crimes of forced displacement and genocide under Articles (192/191/10/189/188/187) of the Criminal Code of 1991.

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