
Execution to Death of a Merchant Who Supports Militia in Gedaref

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

On Sunday, the East Gedaref Criminal Court ruled to death by hanging as a form of punishment against a crop merchant who supports the rebel militia.
The court convicted the accused under Article 51/A of the Criminal Code of year 1991 related to provoking war against the state.
Military Intelligence had arrested the convict from inside his home on December 25, 2023, after several audio messages were spread to him, his uncle, and another in which they supported the rebel Rapid Support militia (RSF). Through investigation, the accused admitted to contacting the rebel Kaikal and sending him several messages.
One of the recordings circulating on social media called on the rebel Kaikel to enter New Halfa, and another recording called on him to enter Gedaref, describing some shops and people to be looted and assassinated.
The court confronted the convict with the recordings on his phone and he admitted to them, and his lawyer argued that the accused was unaware of what his actions were.
According to the court’s decision, the defense failed to prove insanity or mental disability.

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