
Jaber Praises Success of Wheat Harvest in Gezira Scheme

Sudan Events – Nahid Oshi

Member of the Sovereign Council, Lieutenant General Engineer Ibrahim Jaber, has revealed high wheat productivity in Gezira Scheme, which amounted to 1.8 tons as an average production per acre.
He praised the efforts of the Scheme management and its role in facing the challenges to make the wheat harvesting operations successful in Manaqel sections and to overcome all the obstacles that faced the harvest for this season. He appreciated the initiative of Al-Huda Agricultural Society and its leaders in addressing the financing issues of the society’s farmers and its entry into the field of wheat seed production through its contractual partnerships with Harvest Company, in a manner consistent with the approach of the Scheme management. The state aims to localize seed production from all crops for farmers in the country.
It is noteworthy that the total areas that were cultivated to produce wheat seeds through Al-Huda Agricultural Society amounted to 2 thousand fedans under the supervision of the Seed Probation Service in Gezira Scheme and the follow-up of the National Probation Administration of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

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