
Imminent Resumption of Trade via Renk-Gouda River Crossing

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Chargé d’Affairs of the Sudanese Embassy in South Sudan, Ambassador Jamal Malik, has announced efforts between the two countries to open the Renk-Gouda river crossing to revive trade movement between Sudan and South Sudan in the coming period.
He said that the two countries are working on the issue of transporting South Sudanese imports through the Port of Port Sudan, by allocating a port for this purpose, with the aim of reducing the cost of transporting containers and goods from the Port of Mombasa through Uganda and Nimule to South Sudan. He added that this file is being discussed by the relevant authorities in the two countries and is being worked on to implement it as it contributes to reducing the cost of transportation, as goods are transported from Port Sudan to the Upper Nile and Unity regions via Kosti via river transport to Juba.
He stressed the interest of the Government of Sudan in activating trade exchange between the two countries, as the Sudanese diplomatic mission in Juba recommended opening the crossings that do not have a border dispute and are related to security and post-secession issues. There was a decision issued earlier to close the borders.
He explained that the political and security committee, headed by the defense ministers of the two countries, has come a long way in discussing the opening of border crossings to facilitate the flow of commercial traffic and revive the economies of the two countries.
He said that there are more than 100 Sudanese goods that enter South Sudan without customs procedures, and therefore neither Sudan nor South Sudan benefits from them, which means the loss of significant resources for the two countries.

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