Requesting Businessmen to Stop Demanding Hard Currency

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
Former Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, Al-Sadiq Jalal Al-Din Saleh, has called on national businessmen to completely and immediately stop demanding hard currency, regardless of the circumstances and reasons.
He called for them not to be led by speculation and imaginary demand that contributed to the deterioration of the value of the Sudanese pound beyond even imagination.
Jalal said in press statements, “What is happening is a criminal plan that we have often warned about, which aims to bring Sudan to its knees and bring down Sudan by impoverishing and starving its people who support its armed forces until their support turns into discontent and a hungry revolution that is coming.”
He added, “the Chamber will not have mercy on anyone if the matter is not remedied quickly.”
He continued, “Unfortunately, the Central Bank is the culprit and the main responsible for this collapse, as it did nothing to limit the impact of the huge mass of cash, hard currencies, and gold that were stolen by the rebels from banks, the Central Bank, stores, commercial offices, and homes, and not even working to inventory it and determine its true size so that it is dealt with and its negative impact is reduced.
He pointed out that this laxity and laziness led to the introduction of huge sums of money by the rebels into the banking system through one of the banks, which made them control a large portion of the monetary mass with which to carry out speculative operations.
He revealed the laxity of the Central Bank and left the matter of determining the exchange rate to commercial banks, which prompted one of the commercial banks (the pioneer of speculation) to meet with some businessmen a few days ago and agree that the approved exchange rate for them would be the black market rate in Dubai.
Jalal mocked the Cabinet’s call for a meeting to discuss the deterioration of the value of the pound next Sunday.
He expected the price of the UAE dirham to jump to about 700 pounds by Sunday.
He stressed that it is a historic opportunity to inflict huge losses on speculators and manipulators (which are quite easy to detect) if the security services intervene and strike with an iron hand without courtesy with some economic measures to reduce demand and increase supply in order to break the rebels’ grip on the joints of foreign trade and the Sudanese economy.