
Foreign Ministry : Army is Capable of Defeating Evil Plans

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that the current escalation by the Rapid Support Militia (RSF) in its attacks on El Fasher, its adoption of a scorched earth policy and the removal of entire villages from the land, and its continuous bombing of residential neighborhoods devoid of a military presence, is one of the apparent results of international inaction in confronting the militia’s crimes.
In a statement on Saturday, the Foreign Ministry praised the findings of Human Rights Watch in its latest report on West Darfur – that there is global inaction towards the atrocities committed by the terrorist militia, especially the crimes of genocide, ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity, and widespread sexual violence. This is what the Ministry has been alerting the international community to and warning of its dangerous consequences.
The ministry said that the report comes and calls for international sanctions on the militia leader, his deputy, and leaders affiliated with them, in support of what prominent lawmakers from the United States have called for to apply international criminal justice on the militia leaders.
The ministry added that the city of El Fasher contains the largest number of people displaced from the militia’s atrocities in other Darfur regions, and that targeting El Fasher is targeting the displaced and civilians and confirms the insistence of the militia and its mercenaries from the African Sahel countries to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing against specific groups of the population, as described in the organization’s legal report.
The Foreign Ministry confirmed that the armed forces and joint forces are capable of defeating these evil plans, but it draws attention to the fact that this escalation in attacks on El Fasher comes despite demands issued by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Security Council, and a number of senior Western officials not to attack the city.
The Ministry continued: “What this means is that the militia does not pay attention to such calls that are not accompanied by serious international measures to force it to stop its aggression.” It is unfortunate that while these calls were being made, the regional sponsor of the militia continued to send weapons supplies to continue its attacks on defenseless civilians, while a permanent member of the Security Council assumed the task of obstructing the Council from carrying out its role in this regard.
The Foreign Ministry pointed out that the militia’s persistence in its atrocities and horrific violations of international humanitarian law was a direct result of such negative and contradictory messages from Western powers.
The Ministry indicated that the Human Rights Watch report provided a detailed description of the criminal and terrorist methods that the militia used over many months to evacuate West Darfur State of its residents, which amounts to genocide. Therefore, it is surprising that Western circles and UN employees insist that the Adre-Geneina crossing be the main entry point for humanitarian aid to Sudan, and not the agreed-upon Al-Tinah crossing.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted in its statement that insisting on the entry of aid through El Geneina, which the militia had evacuated of its residents through its terrorist methods, would provide it with a new weapon against civilians and displaced people in Darfur, who would be at its mercy to obtain their humanitarian needs.
The Ministry added, “In reality, the militia’s precedents of looting humanitarian aid warehouses and convoys and deliberately and previously announced obstruction of the delivery of food and medicine to the needy, which were not met with the condemnation and firmness they deserved from the international community, leave no room for doubt that they will use the weapon of starvation against civilians, and exploit relief traffic to enter Weapons for its mercenaries.
The Ministry noted that the creative cooperation between the Sudanese government and brotherly and friendly countries resulted in the delivery of humanitarian aid from within the country to various regions, especially the cities hosting those displaced from the war, with great success and had tangible effects on the ground in alleviating human suffering.

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