
Sudanese Farmers Association Calls on Government to Provide Needs of Agricultural Season

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Vice President of the Sudan Farmers Association – Rain-fed Sector – Ghariq Kambal has criticized the lack of readiness for the start of the agricultural season so far, noting that agriculture is timing, and the competent authorities are in a hurry to provide the needs of the agricultural season, stressing the importance of paying attention to the agricultural season because Sudan is living in exceptional conditions due to the war, amid major threats. It portends famine and food shortages.
He stressed the need to begin arranging for the agricultural season despite the continuation of the war, because the situation cannot be corrected by ignoring agriculture or stopping production, and he emphasized that continuing production is considered one of the mechanisms for resisting the militia, and a strong mortgage on entering the agricultural season by providing gasoline to all states of White Nile, Sennar, Blue Nile and South. Kordofan before the arrival of June, and warned that it would not arrive before the fall, warning of a rise in gasoline prices if it did not arrive before the rain fall and that the war in Medani would prolong.
Ghariq revealed the procrastination of the competent authorities in combating the locust pest “Night locust” in South Kordofan State in particular, and the pest “Antet” in Blue Nile State. He warned of the danger of these pests to the agricultural season because they threaten agriculture due to their reproduction, pointing out that the matter may lead to the reluctance of many farmers in the states of White Nile, Blue Nile, Damazin, South Kordofan and Sinnar, they will stop planting next season for fear of incurring losses.

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