
American Role in Civil War in Sudan!!

By: Muntaser Ibrahim

Of course, everyone is placing big bets on America’s magical role in stopping the civil war in Sudan, as if it holds the keys to the solution with the rubbing of a finger!!
Eyes are focused enthusiastically on the comments broadcast with care and precision from American officials, who are many of those concerned with Sudanese affairs – the ambassador and the question of what is this matter known to the Horn of Africa, Molly Feeley, and then the special envoy Tom Perriello…etc. But isn’t it time yet to activate the issue of the American role through another formula that is more realistic and directly related to the facts of the civil war in Sudan through the pivotal and very serious question: Which is:
What is the impact of the noticeable and large spread of American weapons on the sides of the civil war in Sudan, on prolonging the war and the suffering of the Sudanese ?!!!
Antiquated and resonant propaganda, before the outbreak of war, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) was receiving technical support and training from the Russian Wagner Group; Of course, this case was used as black propaganda, or for the purpose of manipulating the facts. It carries with it a kind of exclusion of other facts. Some of them are now quite clear; This is that the RSF is armed with a wide range of American weapons, including machine guns and cannons, and not Russian-made weapons. Here we mention the M16 machine gun, which made a big difference in this war, which was widespread and noticeable!
Also, the Sudanese army demonstrated the capabilities of being armed with machine guns in the hands of members of the Security and Intelligence Service. These are American weapons that appeared a while ago under the propaganda of “the new has arrived”!!!
Watch and follow the clips broadcast from the parties
The armed movements in Darfur, look at the displays of their weapons, you will find the American flavor and the various types of weapons of the other parties. Did American arms companies monopolize the market in Darfur after the decision to ban the flow of weapons to the region? Certainly, the weapons that are now widespread there are not Chinese or Sudanese weapons manufactured in the Jiyad factory?!!!
I believe that the issue of the arms race, the source of arms flows, and the sources of arms smuggling or supply is the appropriate entry point for searching for opportunities to stop the war. But who dares ?!!!
Now is the right time:
With this issue, we will fully test knowledge about the behind-the-scenes and intersections of the controlling power centers and the players: Is there a real civil society?!
Do the so-called civil forces, headed by Hamdouk, dare to explicitly adopt this issue in all forums? I do not mean to be hostile to America or to mobilize hostility against it. I do not mean that at all. Rather, by removing the question of armaments and the widespread American weapons in its objective context !!!
In addition, I believe that, pragmatically and in terms of timing, international public opinion (the liberals and those opposed to wars) will react to this issue, especially with the crimes in Gaza and the failure of the Biden administration!!
Of course, in the traditional understanding, in thinking about this matter, some believe that it is the role of civil society to raise this issue – the issue of arms flows fueling the civil war in Sudan. But unfortunately, there is no civil society in the sense that it should actually be. Rather, they are groups of people who benefit from the crumbs that arms companies and their agents throw to them as funding for their false activities or that are empty of any content other than raising more corrupt flocks in the future and fraudsters who harness all their hopes to obtain… Financing _ Financing _ Financing In reality, it is no more than the return of one night of gambling for the lords of the arms companies in a casino in Las Vegas ?!
I think that this is clear now. It progressed without significant progress in Paris, and during the conference that was held there, this issue was not put on the table for international discussion, and the occasion required and deserved it. The platform was the first direct international attention a year after the civil war, and it is entering its second year, and it threatens to expand and continue for years to come. Did it really miss it or did it not dare, while it thinks that people are fighting with crutches and sticks!!!
Will USAID Fund a workshop or program that will research the issue of weapons and their spread in Sudan – types of weapons, the source of their manufacture, methods of entering or smuggling them…etc.
Because USAID is the largest civil society funding outlet in Sudan, it financed many programs during the transitional period. Here we mention Luqman Ahmed’s studio on Sudan TV; Has it missed funding activities that search for or warn of the danger of the spread of weapons in Sudan in the form that has now appeared? Well, let Luqman Ahmed take care of this, by raising the issue in large-scale dialogues with the actors in America, both Sudanese and Americans. Let it be in the same boring way he ran his talk show before the war !!!!
By the way, the correspondence between Lieutenant General Kabashi and the Islamists regarding the Popular Resistance Law; Behind it hide intersections of interests regarding the arms race. Certainly, the issue of arms deals is one of them, when Kabashi raises his finger high. There are no weapons outside the umbrella of the armed forces. what does that mean ?!!! This means that the logic of supply and demand is going on in this area, and it is no secret to anyone the complexity of the networks of Islamists’ interests internally and externally, and their ability to be independent on their own, and here the issue of Turkish weapons arises; Or there is a broker who wants to enter into a supply deal, which has disturbed the atmosphere between the comrades in arms on the same front!!!
Of course, the appearance of official Russia on the scene of events alongside the Sudanese army will appear in the form of a race for superiority in the type of weapons in the field, which is the basis of international competition in conditions of civil wars. Is Russia satisfied with the withdrawal of the Sukhoi, the pride of its air force fleet throughout history, because it was shot down by anti-aircraft guns from the RSF? ; Or will the army be provided with an alternative to it? ..
* The topic of hate speech is a dead palate that will not stop this war or anything; So it takes a deep beating, right there.
*The picture shows the late American diplomat Roger Winter, who served his country selflessly for decades by supporting the rebels in South Sudan with weapons and training, as he gives instructions to Minni Minawi at the beginning of his rise up the ladder of rebellion in South Sudan !!!

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