
SPLM Committee Demands that Aid be Delivered to all parts of Sudan

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) , led by Abdul Aziz Al-Hilu, rejected the army’s proposal to stop hostilities as a condition for delivering humanitarian aid to the states of South Kordofan and Blue Nile, and stressed that it would be delivered to all regions of Sudan without bias and at the same time.
On Thursday, in the capital of South Sudan, consultative meetings began between the Sudanese army and the SPLM aimed at delivering humanitarian aid to those affected by the war in the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions.
Spokesman for the SPLM delegation, Gatiga Amoja Delman, told Sudan Tribune, “The SPLM delegation rejected the proposal made by the Sudanese army three days ago to stop hostilities in preparation for delivering humanitarian aid to the states of South and West Kordofan and Blue Nile, and proposed delivering it to all of Sudan, at one time and without discrimination.” .
He explained that the SPLM believes that Sudan has reached the stage of a humanitarian catastrophe and that there are 25 million people in need of humanitarian aid, including 18 million facing food insecurity and three million children suffering from malnutrition, in addition to the presence of six million internally displaced people and one million refugees.
Delman revealed that 13 children die every day in Zamzam camp in North Darfur due to hunger.
Delman stressed that the position of the SPLM is to deliver humanitarian aid to all regions of Sudan without ethnic, geographic, or regional bias, and that United Nations agencies are responsible for delivering this aid.
He announced their rejection of the principle of division in discussing humanitarian issues, and believed that the states of Sudan, including Khartoum, Gezira, Darfur, Kordofan, the Nuba Mountains, Funj, and all regions of Sudan, are in urgent need of aid and it must reach all these regions at the same time.

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