
Authorities in the White Nile Reveal Downing of (3) Drones

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The White Nile State Security Committee has revealed that (3) suicide drones were shot down by the army’s ground defenses on Friday.
The Security Committee said in a press statement that these drones targeted the Nile Fuel Depot, one of the vital civilian sites that contains the fuel stock for the summer agricultural season in the state, in order to restrict citizens and cause panic and fear, similar to the militia’s approach used against citizens in sabotaging civilian facilities and objects.
The committee explained in a press circular that the attack was carried out with (3) suicide drones, two of which were shot down by ground defenses and one fell, causing limited damage and no loss of life.
The Committee said that this attack comes as a response to their defeats in the Al-Awaj area in the north of the state and their loss of lives and equipment.
It added, “We reassure citizens that the state is resistant to rebellion and that the security services are fully vigilant and coordinated to protect the land and honor.”
The Security Committee called on citizens to be vigilant against the agents of the rebel militia infiltrating villages and neighborhoods, and to immediately report them to the nearest unit of the security services.

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