Launching Nafir (Impetus) for Sudan Reconstruction

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The Productive Family Organization for Capacity Building launched the largest strategy to confront the brunt of the war on the productive sectors.
Professor Ahmed Al-Tijani Al-Mansouri announced the advisory platform initiative under the title (Nafir Strategy). He said it is an executive plan to confront the brunt of the war on the productive sectors.
The ” Nafir Strategy” was launched via the instant messaging application “WhatsApp” in the presence of more than 600 scholars, executives, practitioners in the production field, and those with creative ideas.
While the ” Nafir Strategy” will work to bring development in Sudan back to the right path and support the productive sectors.
Ahmed Al-Tijani Al-Mansouri said that the Nafir strategy is an executive plan to rebuild Sudan after the war.
Pointing out that the strategy was designed to focus on specific, measurable goals with community participation using the smart management model, indicating that Nafir set main goals aimed at “rebuilding the damaged basic infrastructure in the affected areas by the year 2027 and assessing the damages and needs by December 2024,” pointing to rebuilding 500 homes and 50 public facilities by December 2026.
He stressed that the Nafir strategy will enhance local competencies working in Al-Nafir by June 2025, after training in construction and maintenance, in addition to improving access to basic services by December 2025.
Al-Mansouri said that the Nafir strategy activates specific performance indicators, indicating that it is a plan that came to implement the goals, indicating that these indicators explain where the Nafir is going and the speed of its implementation.
He revealed that the Nafir strategy was designed to be implemented clearly by conducting periodic evaluations to monitor progress and modify plans if necessary, in addition to conducting a periodic evaluation of the results and measuring the results based on specific indicators to ensure their conformity with the strategic objectives and modifying the plans based on the challenges that appear during implementation.
Al-Mansouri provided insights into the Yugoslav movement, which contributed to the rebuilding of Yugoslavia.
Professor Al-Shifa Abdel-Qadir said that the movement includes all Sudanese workers, agricultural scholars, employees, and housewives. She explained that the movement’s strategy was designed “so that we do not leave anyone behind.”
She revealed that the strategy provides immediate and other solutions after the war stops, and said that the Nafir strategy provides immediate solutions to families that have been subjected to psychological pressure as a result of the brunt of the war, including terror and displacement.
She added that Nafir strategy programs attempt to “modify behavior to return society to its previous state.”
Professor Al-Shafah said, ” Nafir will make people love each other… and drop all hatreds.”
She pointed to the support program for the displaced, which includes psychological therapy with music and sports, educational and religious programs.
She revealed that this is achieved through implementation mechanisms through training of trainers courses, and adds, “For every 300 individuals who need training, we will train 30 trainers to ensure the follow-up of the Nafir strategy.”
She said that there are 20 organizations that have expressed their willingness to participate in Nafir.
She confirmed that the results of the movement will achieve psychological balance for the beneficiaries, fill free time with benefits, and develop individuals’ skills.