Sudan Receives Offers for Meat Import

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The Minister of Trade and Supply, Al-Fateh Abdullah Yousuf, has revealed the seizure of a network operating in the forgery of export and import documents, run by foreigners and Sudanese.
He said that the work of this network comes in the context of the economic war against Sudan.
He explained in a press conference at the ministry’s headquarters in Port Sudan (Saturday) that the Trade and Supply Investigations raided the network’s headquarters and arrested a number of defendants, forged documents and forgery tools, noting that foreigners exploit real and forged documents of Sudanese and deprive the state of export revenues.
Yousuf said that Sudan is facing a fierce economic war aimed at destroying its economy, just as 85% of the factories in Khartoum were destroyed and the infrastructure was destroyed. He stressed the impossibility of famine occurring in Sudan in light of the existence of the parallel economy in the Sudanese countryside.
The Minister of Trade and Supply presented a report on the ministry’s performance since its move to Port Sudan in mid-May 2023, confirming the flow of strategic and necessary goods to citizens.
He said that the Ministry initially worked to arrange the conditions of suppliers and exporters, provide citizens with goods, and fill the shortage through imports. He pointed out that controlling goods and imports and adjusting procedures was reconsidered after the market was flooded with some goods.
Al-Fatih revealed the ministry’s intention to open crossings with neighboring countries, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Eritrea, revealing offers the country had received from Algeria and Kuwait to import meat, pointing to agreements with Egypt regarding a portfolio of strategic goods.
He revealed an upcoming visit to Saudi Arabia to discuss the problem of returns of livestock exports.