
An Economic Expert Draws Map for Rebuilding Sudan

Sudan Events_Nahid Oshi

Economist Dr.Abdel-Azim Al-Mahal said that the step of rebuilding and building Sudan after the end of the war requires the combined efforts of the government, the private sector, the regional and international community, and United Nations organizations, warning of the importance of changing some laws related to financing with the bot system.
(Build Operate Transfer BOT)
With facilitating the issuance of letters of guarantee and granting all the necessary facilities to build infrastructure and information, factories, farms, hospitals, universities, and others, with the bot system, indicating that it is the shortest path, he said, the step requires a strong security grip and political and economic stability.
Blank check:
Al-Mahal stressed the necessity of preparing studies, feasibility studies, and others in Arabic and English. He said that the world will not give Sudan a blank check, and that the international community was able to collect only 12% of its total pledges. In previous conferences before and after the secession of the South, and during the era of Hamdouk and others, the fulfillment rate did not reach 15% Therefore, we must begin with steps, the most important of which is significantly reducing the prices of building materials and exempting them from taxes, customs, and random fees, which sometimes amount to 35 random receipts.
In addition to exempting those whose vehicles, factories, farms, and solar energy were stolen from taxes, customs, and random fees, while reducing taxes, customs, and fees on electrical appliances and furniture, and working to rebuild universities, schools, hospitals, health centers, and others.
Industrial cities:
He pointed out the necessity of establishing five major industrial cities in the five regions of Sudan, attracting internal and external support for them, and encouraging citizens to invest their money instead of hoarding it inside homes and bank depositories.
He said that the war has proven that Sudanese citizens have billions of dollars hoarded among us, riding in very luxurious cars, while some are dying of hunger. Indeed, some areas of Sudan have what is called poverty of the rich. Even though he owns 1,500 heads of sheep, he is poor.
Offering investment projects:
The deadlines indicated the necessity of allocating ten million acres as industrial agricultural and livestock projects to be offered to Sudanese inside and outside the country and to foreigners in varying areas.
Ten acres to one million acres. The infrastructure for these projects can also be built and delivered to the investor ready, provided that the value of the land is paid in convenient installments.
He added that there must be a new vision, creative ideas for reconstruction, a steadfast work spirit, and there must mot be war
(Turning point)
For all Sudanese, there is no objection to the project being managed by a foreigner if the local administration is a failure

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