
Spain, Ireland and Norway Will Recognize a Palestinian State.

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed on Wednesday the decision by Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize a Palestinian state in a historic move, the ministry said in a statement.
As Ireland on Wednesday officially recognized the Palestinian state, Prime Minister Simon Harris announced at a Dublin press conference.
Harris said the decision was taken last month and he had confirmed that Ireland would take this step alongside Spain.
“Today, Ireland, Norway and Spain are announcing that we recognize the state of Palestine,” he said, adding: “Each of us will now undertake whatever national steps are necessary to give effect to that decision.”
Harris said he has “spoken with a number of other leaders and counterparts and I’m confident that further countries will join us in taking this important step in the coming weeks.”
In the same context, Spain and Norway said Wednesday that they would recognize a Palestinian state on May 28, a step toward a long-held Palestinian aspiration that came amid international outrage over the civilian death toll and humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip following Israel’s offensive.
The triple and almost simultaneous decisions may generate momentum for the recognition of a Palestinian state by other EU countries and could spur further steps at the United Nations, deepening Israel’s isolation. Malta and Slovenia, which also belong to the 27-nation European Union, may follow suit.
“Recognition is an act of powerful political and symbolic value. It is an expression of our view that Palestine holds and should be able to vindicate the full rights of a state including self-determination, self-governance, territorial integrity and security, as well as recognising Palestine its own obligations under international law.”

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