
Foreign Ministry: The Militia Continues its Ethnic Cleansing Campaigns

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said that the Rapid Support militia (RSF) is continuing to commit unprecedented atrocities against unarmed civilians and targeting civilian and humanitarian facilities in a number of Sudan states.
A Foreign Ministry statement added, on Wednesday, that the militia, after the successive defeats it suffered at the hands of the armed forces and the joint forces of the peace partners in North Darfur state, escalated its bombing of residential areas, displaced persons’ camps, and markets, and the day before yesterday it targeted the women’s and maternity hospital in El Fasher, seriously wounding nine patients in Abu Shouk camp for displaced people and its shelter center continued to be bombed on a daily basis. This has resulted in dozens of civilian deaths in recent weeks, while the militia continues its crimes of ethnic cleansing around El Fasher by adopting a scorched earth policy.
The statement confirmed that during the past few days, the militia committed a series of new massacres against defenseless villagers in the areas of Umm Rawaba, North Kordofan, Al-Kamilin, Al-Ma’iliq and Al-Huda in Gezira State, in addition to bombing residential areas in Karari locality, Khartoum State, with long-range artillery. Seven civilians were martyred yesterday as a result of the bombing.
The statement said that it is clear that the militia, due to its inability to directly confront the armed forces, has begun targeting civilians and civilian institutions exclusively, to cause the greatest amount of loss of life in order to force citizens to evacuate their villages and residential areas in order to settle its mercenaries there. To do this, the militia uses lethal weapons and drones. Provided by its regional sponsors, it employs all means of terrorism, intimidation and humiliation of citizens.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed the successive condemnations against the terrorist militia issued recently by UN officials, human rights organizations, governments, and legislative bodies in a number of countries around the world, especially describing its crimes as true as genocide, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity.
The statment said that the armed forces and joint forces, supported by all segments of the Sudanese people, in their heroic confrontation with the militia, not only defend Sudan and its people, but also play a major role in protecting regional and international security. The international community must acknowledge and support this role, and the unfounded accusations that are sometimes issued by international parties against the armed forces, or equating them with the rebel militia, must stop.

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