
Amnesty International Calls on UN and AU to Take Action to Prevent Mass Atrocities In El Fasher

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Amnesty International called on the United Nations and the African Union to act quickly to prevent mass atrocities in El Fasher.
“The international community, including the United Nations and the African Union, must act quickly to prevent atrocities in El Fasher, protect civilians, and ensure that perpetrators are held accountable,” Amnesty International’s Regional Director for East and Southern Africa, Tijer Chagota, said in a statement.
He called on the parties to the conflict to end deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on civilians and ensure safe passage for those trying to flee the violence in El Fasher, while allowing aid to reach them without hindrance.
He continued: “The fall of other cities in Darfur into the hands of the Rapid Support militia (RSF), such as El Geneina in West Darfur, was followed by widespread violations that included ethnic attacks against non-Arab communities, the approved killing of civilians, and sexual violence against girls and women.”
Amnesty reported that El Fasher is home to more than 1.5 million people trapped inside the city.

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