
Sudanese Refugees Stranded in Forests of Ethiopia Go on Hunger Strike

Sudan Events – Agencies

Since Wednesday this week, Sudanese refugees stranded in one of the forests of Ethiopia have gone on a hunger strike, to protest their detention in the forest and the worsening of their suffering.
udanese refugees, stranded in a forest in the Ethiopian Amhara region, complain of deteriorating humanitarian conditions as a result of the lack of food and medicine and the rainfall.
According to Radio Tamazuj, refugee Samani Adam said that they have been stranded since they left Olala camp in early May, noting that they are facing poor humanitarian conditions as a result of the lack of medicine, food and shelter materials.
He continued: “We protect ourselves from the rain with cloth covers, and the rain continues for hours a day, and there are young children among the refugees.”
For his part, refugee Ibrahim Musa said that since they have been detained in the forest, there are no shelter materials, and they do not have tarpaulins to protect them against the rain.
He called for urgent intervention to save the situation of refugees in the forest in the Amhara region.

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