
AGAR: “We will not be Herded to Jeddah Like Sheep”

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Vice President of the Sovereign Council, Malik Agar, has rejected the invitation of the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, which he presented to the President of the Sovereign Council, General Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan, to go to the Jeddah platform , and said that it was an invitation that contained belittlement and contempt for Sudan that could not be accepted, (Your child is at home You wanted to send him to the market. Why would you, my son, go to the market? Blinken called the president and said to him, “Go to Jeddah. What did we do before that?” He comes to kill us, and he comes to remove our remains and take them to Jeddah.
Agar added while addressing, on Wednesday, a conference for reconciliation and lasting peace in Port Sudan, “So that people in the media don’t come and think that the state agreed, hear it from me; I am the second man in the state. The state did not agree to go to Jeddah and we will not agree, not because we do not want peace, but rather Because peace must have foundations. We will not be herded to Jeddah like sheep. We will not accept that without consulting us. We will not accept that.
He added: “If you deal with the first world, it offers you poison in the tray, and if you do not deal with it, it puts poison on the road. But we must deal with the world with great wisdom and knowledge. The world does not need Sudan to be a strong or sovereign country, and this sovereignty they do not want it for Sudan, and the result of that is the war that is taking place now.”

He announced that the ongoing war in Sudan has four parts: “Its seeds are Sudanese, planted on American soil, presented in the European Union, collected by workers from the Emirates, and returned to Sudan,” and he continued, “We are dealing with this situation first, and it is not a matter of people going to Jeddah.”

In another context, Agar said that the parties’ search for power at this critical time in Sudan’s history will cause a crisis for the state. He added, “In my estimation, the cost of Taqaddum conference in Ethiopia may reach 6 million euros, and the struggle of these parties for power will open the door to external interference.”

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