Customs Plans to Facilitate Global Trade

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The Director General of the Customs Forces, Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim Mohammad, has revealed that they have developed a solid plan to work during the coming period to simplify the movement of global trade and protect society and the national economy in order to activate the revenues that support the state treasury.
The Director General of the Customs Forces (Thursday) chaired the regular meeting of the Customs Forces in the meeting room headed by the Port Sudan Customs Forces, in the presence of his assistants and directors of public administrations, departments and sections.
The Director General of the Customs Forces explained that the meeting discussed all vital issues related to the Customs Forces, especially since the country is going through exceptional circumstances that require more efforts. He pointed out that the meeting touched on plans to facilitate and simplify global trade by reviewing the performance of customs stations and border areas, indicating that the Customs Forces Customs continued to carry out its supervisory role by promoting and developing plans to combat smuggling, adding that the meeting approved the new organizational structure presented by the Ministry of Interior. The meeting also reviewed what had been accomplished by bringing plans, programs and requirements for the second half of the year through a road map aimed at improving customs work in the country, stressing the large and growing role of the customs forces in the War of Dignity and their support for the armed forces and other security agencies since the beginning of the war against the rebel militia.