
Pearl State Represented by Luluwa Comforts our Hearts

By: Ambassador/ Abdullah Ahmed Osman

Qatar rose above diplomatic bitterness and continued with genuine nobility to support Sudan and its people.
Doha patiently hosted the Darfur peace negotiations and provided support to the Sudanese people, not to a regime or president.
I was an eyewitness to depriving Sudan of the greatest good by aborting Qatar’s initiative to establish the Darfur Development Bank.
** As for the Pearl, it is the sister State of Qatar and His Excellency while Luluwa is the Minister of State for International Cooperation. Her Excellency, entrusted by His Highness Sheikh/ Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar, comforted the hearts of our people in Sudan and before them in Gaza, representing the State of Qatar, and embodying the loyal people of Qatar in a condensed expression, a messenger to humanity, raining down upon us fairy-weather.. Three motives prompted me to write this article.. The first is motivation (inspiration). . The second is (provocative). . The third is (deserving), which rises to the level of duty. Fairness and loyalty to those who gave the most generous gifts at a time when the supporter was proud.
* She represents (Al-Mulham) watching her happiness as she landed at Port Sudan Airport before the past month of Ramadan from the C-130 plane of the Qatari Emiri Air Force, and she was wearing a relief workers’ jacket, instead of the bullet-proof jacket that passengers on this type of plane usually wear. Military, which made Doha the good a means of carrying balm. . Help for the needy, and relief for the desperate. At this time, there were planes of the same type landing on the other side, in the immediate vicinity of Sudan’s western border, carrying a load of weapons, ammunition, and death lava, in support of a treacherous rebellion that made the people of Sudan taste bitterness, killing, raping their freedoms, plundering, kidnapping, torture and displacement.
* This inspiring motivation flows to record bright stations, the first of which was to honor Her Excellency with a meeting organized by the members of the Sudanese community in Qatar, one of the evenings at the end of the blessed month of Ramadan. She addressed the meeting although she usually responds very poorly to social invitations during the month of Ramadan. However, she stated with great friendliness that the moment she saw the invitation and learned that it was from Sudan in Qatar, she immediately agreed. In her speech, she enumerated a set of meanings of loyalty that reflect the authenticity of the essence and the sophistication of the informant of her Sudanese professors and friends. Following Eid al-Fitr, Paris witnessed the second of these milestones when it headed the Qatari delegation to the Paris conference to support humanitarian efforts in Sudan. Her speech before the conference was undisputedly the most distinguished and support best. and definite concern for Sudan, its land, its people, and its entity.
* The outburst of this inspiring drive did not stop at the borders of Sudan, but rather extended to the proud Gaza Strip, when she led humanitarian support convoys, and her presence was the first and last for any Arab official of this high level. The wise leadership’s choice of Her Excellency as a woman for this mission was a very successful choice, as she is the most capable of comforting the hearts of thousands of mothers of martyrs, as it has been proven throughout history that women are the bearers of bitter pain when wars occur, either widows due to the loss of a husband, or bereaved due to the loss of a son or daughter. Her words at the Rafah crossing formed a bright painting in a dark time, and her thoughts were expressed in bright letters that history will immortalize. The summit of sympathy was embodied in her visit to the intrepid journalist, director of Al Jazeera’s office in Gaza, Wael Al-Dahdouh, to console him on his great loss, the loss of a number of his family members as a result of the treacherous Zionist bombing, before he later suffered wounds and injuries to his person, which Doha the good took care of treating them in its advanced hospitals par excellence.
* I reviewed the memory of contemporary people and found only two pearls of our nation’s silk with extravagant attitudes. The first is the icon of the Algerian revolution in the sixties of the last century, which the poet described as the pearl, and it is the symbol fighter (Djamila Bouhired). . The second is the icon of humanitarian work in our present (Luluwa Al Khater), who represented Qatar and its honorable people. They ride with white hands and glorious hearts, so God has a dirham and He owes their reward.
** The (provocative) motive came as a result of vile statements issued by politicians in the Zionist entity against the State of Qatar and its prominent role in mediation to save lives, stop bloodshed, and achieve peace for all. The most prominent of which were the statements of the Minister of Economy Dr. Majid Al-Ansari, spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, provided sober, satisfactory and comprehensive responses.
** These motivations, in addition to the summaries of a discussion with a left-leaning childhood friend who left it years ago, formed the (deserved) motivation. He provoked me by his lack of knowledge of Qatar’s brilliant efforts in Sudan. He is a person who is insistant, and in the words of the people of Sudan, “the slaughter of an ant.” . He mentioned to me that Qatar supported Sudan only during the Ingaz era. I immediately touched him with the video of this air bridge that Her Excellency led in April 2024, five years after the fall of the Ingaz regime, which His Highness the Emir of Qatar directed to manage, and before him, several bridges since the outbreak of the rebellion in support of the Sudanese people. And not for a regime or a president. I explained to him that Qatar had overcome and overcome the diplomatic bitterness that occurred against it from the authorities after the fall of the Ingaz, and continued with genuine nobility in supporting Sudan and its people. These are times when some countries resort to severing diplomatic relations if something similar happens to them.
** I began to list the most prominent features of the relationship, which is one of the virtues of fate that it was framed on the Sudanese side when the arch was opened by Field Marshal Siwar Al-Dhahab (may God have mercy on him), seconded to the State of Qatar in the early seventies of the last century. The arch now closed by his son, His Excellency Ambassador Ahmed Abdul Rahman Siwar Al-Dhahab, the current Sudanese ambassador to Doha.
** Qatar’s proud positions collapsed, and I told him that I could have contented myself with this article with a very expressive picture of that Bedouin riding his camel, carrying a picture of His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar. There is a welcome and celebration in the far reaches of the Darfur Valley for His Highness’s visit to Darfur in the year 2013. I am almost certain that it is the only photo ever uploaded to an Arab or foreign president in those regions.
* * I continued that His Highness the Father Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, may God protect and nurture him, has distinctive fingerprints towards Sudan and its people. Starting with His Highness’s hosting and sponsorship of the Darfur peace talks in Doha in 2008, and his patience with their challenges and difficulties until they resulted in a peace agreement in 2011 and Qatar implementing its commitment to projects to support Darfur peace in many vital areas, most notably water, health, Education, housing and reconstruction, nomad settlement, and sports. It continued until April 2023.
* I explained to him that I am an eyewitness to the deprivation of the people of Darfur of a universal good, when parties we know aborted His Highness’s initiative to establish the Darfur Development Bank with a capital of $2 billion through contributions from member states and the Islamic Development Bank.
* There is a unique touch to His Highness, as he is the only Arab and foreign leader to have a residence in Khartoum, and it is a touch of honesty and loyalty that enhances trust and fosters brotherhood. In the most dearest and most faithful touch, His Highness recorded a position that exuded nobility on the day that he, accompanied by his protected wife, paid his respects to the great deceased Field Marshal Abdul Rahman Siwar Al-Dhahab, may God have mercy on him, in presence at the deceased’s home in Khartoum, far from all world leaders.
** To reinforce the facts, I showed him a remarkable video of Her Highness Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser, in late 2023, consoling the people of Sudan. . A person and a place regarding their great affliction as a result of this damned war… and it is a condolences to the dignity of its counterpart from those in its position. It is not surprising that Her Highness had previously made a historic visit to Sudan in 2016. I did not find an example of it in the nation’s memory except the visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Sudan in 1967. They both visited the capital, Khartoum, and Al-Obeid, the capital of North Kordofan state. Her Highness Sheikha Moza also visited the archaeological area of ​​Al-Bajrawiya, north of Khartoum. It is as if I were in the spirits of the queens buried for more than 3,000 years in those pyramids, whose souls had soared to welcome the auspicious arrival of Her Highness. The visit had impressive results in support of the women, children and youth sector in Sudan, and its fruits are still being seen to this day.
* She added that Her Excellency Sheikha Al-Mayassa bint Hamad Al Thani has provided these queens and all of this ancient archaeological heritage with sincere attention and unprecedented care, through a high-level project, with the participation of academic figures and high artistic capabilities. To preserve it and present it to the world in a way that is appropriate and expressive of its role and place in the dawn of human civilization. It is unlike previous projects, some of which contributed to plundering our treasures and displaying them in foreign museums.
** My friend (slaughter of an ant) said that these are positions of the state’s senior leadership and come within the framework of political and diplomatic relations between countries. So where are the contributions of the Qatari people in supporting Sudan? . . I immediately replied that you do not realize the magnitude and burden of a country hosting negotiations that have lasted for years, with all its challenges. They were all there, starting with His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. His predecessor, His Excellency Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Al Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the pillars of their governments. At their head is His Excellency Ahmed Bin Abdullah Al Mahmoud, former Speaker of the Qatari Shura Council. He endured the hardships of following the Darfur negotiations sessions, and I wish you had seen him sitting patiently on a mat on the ground of one of the camps for displaced people in Darfur.
* My friend told me that you know all this because of your work in the diplomatic corps, but as for me, where does this come from when it is not discussed in the media? . I concluded with a position I had with the Algerian ambassador in Damascus in 1998. He was once one of the youth of the Algerian revolution under the leadership of Ahmed Ben Bella and Houari Boumediene. He visited us at the Sudan Pavilion at the Damascus International Fair that day and was impressed by what we presented. He said to me, “In Sudan, you are like a fish that lays thousands of eggs under water and no one knows about it. Others are like a hen that lays one egg and fills the world with shouting, so everyone knows about its one achievement.” . . Does this proverb apply to Doha the Good ? . Which grants all this giving without fanfare, from mediation between Venezuela and America in the West, to mediation between America and the countries of the West and Afghanistan in the East. . And from Somalia in the south, through Eritrea, Sudan, Chad, Gaza, and Syria, to mediation between Russia and Ukraine in the north??
I bid farewell to my friend with a promise to write this article, hoping it will be a cry in the valley of humanity. Some loyalty to the leading country in the field of humanitarian diplomacy.
(Published in the Qatari Al-Sharq newspaper on May 28, 2024)

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