
There is Nothing after Victory Except Construction! (1)

By: Mohammed Al-Tijani Omer Gush

The war that the Sudanese people fought with their valiant army, against the oppressive faction of the militia and the FFC agents, is almost reaching its end, God Almighty willing, and that grace is from God. In fact, the war was a bitter experience that affected the entire country, from El Geneina to the coast of the Red Sea. People were displaced from their homes and houses, their money was looted, their honor was violated, and they were subjected to humiliation and oppression , old and young, women and men, without mercy for the young or respect for the old. Because the militia does not originally know morals and does not adhere to ideals or religion. Rather, thugs emerged from all corners of Africa, driven by an animal instinct for revenge, healing, plundering, looting, and killing. But the Sudanese army, with strong support from the proud people, was waiting for them, destroying their capabilities, failing their plans, and wasting their dreams with its solid stance and patience. In spite of the hardship, the arrows of the militia and its agents flew, and they began to roam the capitals of the world begging for support, and they reaped nothing from all of this except a mirage, and they achieved nothing but mortgaging themselves to foreigners and making a living against the homeland.
This war has left such destruction and devastation as God knows best. There is material, moral, and social destruction. Praise be to God before and after. But I remind the Sudanese people that we are not the only country subjected to such a fierce attack, and we are not innovative peoples. Japan, Germany, Vietnam and many other countries were destroyed like us, but they did not surrender and rely on what happened to them. Rather, they rose from their stupor and reconstructed what the wars had destroyed, and built. It has achieved a strong economy, regained the cohesion of its social fabric, built solid governance institutions, and has become one of the largest economies in the world. It does not have a tenth of what we have in terms of natural resources that would be suitable to be the basis for an unprecedented comprehensive renaissance. All that is required in this regard is to unify the internal front and purify it of traitors and agents, and arriving at a national vision that can be implemented with our own capabilities without mortgaging our national will to any party, no matter how much patience and trouble it costs us, leading to construction, pride and dignity in the end.
One of the priorities in this approach is to strengthen our national security and build a strong army that represents all colors of the ethnic and regional spectrum in Sudan. This is because our great army and other regular forces have proven to be the shield protecting the homeland under all circumstances. By God, they fought the battle of dignity with all strength and ability, and they were patient with harm and lack of help until the signs of victory appeared on the horizon, and the Sudanese people began to breathe a sigh of relief after the militia forces had made them suffer from killing, plundering and displacement. Do not be surprised, dear reader, that we are starting with the army first. As we have seen, the enemy first began targeting our symbols and military capabilities, knowing full well that the shortest way to control a country begins with destroying its army and combat capabilities, as happened in Iraq, Libya, and other countries in the region. Building the army must be according to scientific foundations known to the army leaders. Provided that it is understood by everyone who wishes to join the army, without regionalism or tribes, what is intended is for the army to be national in all the meanings of the phrase. Moreover, this army must have the latest types of weapons, whatever the cost, with advanced training that qualifies it to carry out the mission of defending our national security and monitoring our borders. Especially with those countries that provided the militia with mercenaries during the war. In short, we want to have a strong army capable of confronting the conspiracies being hatched against the nation, and to have a military doctrine that serves the nation’s highest interest, regardless of party, intellectual, or regional affiliation, in fulfillment of the slogan raised now: “One Army, One People.”
The Battle of Dignity taught us many national lessons. If we do not benefit from them, the nation will not be stable, no matter how much effort we make and how much money we spend. The first of these lessons is that Sudan is a country targeted by many sides, and there is no way to confront this targeting except by building modern armed forces and a superior security system, not to oppress and humiliate the people. Rather, to protect our national interests and preserve the precious soil of the homeland so that Sudan will be a country that has its place in its Arab and African surroundings, and a country capable of influencing the course of events from a position of strength and power. The Sudanese proverb says: “Running before seeing is a mistake.” This means that it is necessary to plan in advance if you want to avoid the experience of militia war and the destruction it caused to all state facilities and infrastructure.

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