
UN Official: The Militia is Waging War against Civilians in El Fasher

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan, Clementine Nkweta Salami, has said that the reports of casualties and human rights violations in the city of El Fasher are horrific. Families, including children and the elderly, are prevented from leaving the city in search of safety.
She added, in a press release on Thursday: “I feel deeply saddened by the humanitarian situation in El Fasher, as the noose of war is tightening on the civilian population who are being attacked from all sides. Humanity is the first victim of war.”
“We are receiving very disturbing reports that parties to the conflict are targeting medical facilities, camps for displaced people and vital civilian infrastructure,” Salami said, noting that many parts of El Fasher have been left without electricity or water.
She explained that a growing proportion of the population has limited access to basic necessities and basic services, including food and health care.
She added, “After more than a year of brutal conflict, families have exhausted their scarce resources, and their ability to withstand is eroding with every day of violence.”
The Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan called on all parties to avoid using explosive weapons in populated areas, and must take all possible precautions to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure. She said: “Wars have rules that everyone must respect, regardless of the circumstances.”

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