
Will International and Regional Movements Revive Peace Process in Sudan?

Sudan Events – Agencies

American, UN and regional movements have been active to revive negotiations between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Militia (RSF) to end the war in the country, about 6 months after their last round in the Saudi city of Jeddah.
Reservation and condition
Sources close to the Sovereign Council revealed to Al Jazeera Net that Blinken asked Al-Burhan to send his delegation to Jeddah early next June, to hold a new round of negotiations with the RSF Militia, sponsored by Saudi Arabia and the United States, and with the participation of Egypt, the Emirates, the African Union, and the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD).
According to the same sources, Al-Burhan reserved the invitation and stipulated that the agreements signed in Jeddah in May 2023 be implemented by RSF and that an official invitation be sent that includes the negotiation agenda, its participants from the countries of the region, and guarantees and mechanisms for implementing any new agreement.
L Not consulted
Malek Agar, Vice President of the Sovereign Council, said when addressing a conference of the native administration in Port Sudan, that the government “did not agree and will not agree to go to another round of the Jeddah negotiations with the RSF unless it is consulted in advance.”
He announced their rejection of “the way the US Secretary of State asked Al-Burhan to go to Jeddah without consulting the government,” and added, “This is unacceptable contempt and belittlement… We are not sheep.”
Blinken’s phone call coincided with the visit of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ramatane Lamamra, to Port Sudan, where he held discussions with Al-Burhan, and said that the international organization seeks to revive peace negotiations and launch a political process to resolve the crisis through a Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue.
Addressing the crisis
The Egyptian Foreign Ministry has set the end of next June as the date for holding a new conference that includes all Sudanese civil political forces, and attended by relevant regional and international partners, with the aim of reaching a consensus between the Sudanese parties on ways to build comprehensive and lasting peace in the country.
For his part, Ambassador Salah Halima, former Egyptian Assistant Foreign Minister, explains that the Egyptian move towards Sudan came as a popular community initiative and was managed by the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs.
Halima explains that the Sudanese crisis will be addressed within a comprehensive framework through a military security track for the purpose of a ceasefire, then a humanitarian track and a political track related to a transitional period led by a competent civilian government that will then organize elections on the basis of a constitution that will be approved by consensus in the transitional phase.
Ambassador Salah Halima adds that there is another comprehensiveness related to the participation of the relevant regional and international powers, and these powers will form a contact group that will participate in monitoring, following up and ensuring the implementation of what is agreed upon.

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