
Preventing Sudanese farmers from attending the season preparations meeting

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The Vice President of the Sudan Farmers’ Association – Rain Sector – Ghariq Kambal, revealed that they were prevented from attending the meeting of the Agricultural Season Success Committee for agricultural preparations, in Port Sudan, in the presence of a member of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Engineer Ibrahim Jaber, in addition to the Minister of Finance, Dr. Jibril Ibrahim, and the Governor of the Central Bank of Sudan, Bura’i Al-Siddiq and bank managers.
Ghariq said that they were keen to attend after learning that the meeting was being held, despite his acknowledgment that an invitation had not been sent to the farmers. He stressed that the goal of their attendance was to deliver a message at the meeting at this crucial time for agriculture, pointing out that the meeting organizers objected to their attendance as they were not part of this work, and they confirmed that the number of the meeting Predetermined, pointing out their objection to this conversation and informing the meeting officials that the farmers are the party concerned with this meeting and the first because they know the current situation. Ghariq and the farmers with him objected to the dimensions, and asked about the dimensions of the most important segment of this meeting, and stressed that the meeting will be useless. Without the presence of farmers, in that the decisions of the meeting are down to the farmers and it is a matter of first priority that they attend the meeting.
He confirmed that their insistence on this prompted them to leave the meeting place. Ghariq criticized that this was the officials’ understanding, and asserted that in this way they would not be able to make the agricultural season a success. Ghariq pointed out that they remained an original member of the previous agricultural season committee, which was headed by the governor of Gedaref at the time, stressing that they remained present in all the committee’s meetings.
For his part, member of the assembly, Muawiyah Othman Al-Zein, explained that the farmers’ seat is authentic in the room for making the agricultural season a success, according to what Lieutenant General Ibrahim Jaber reported when they met with him in his office in Port Sudan and he read out the names of the room for making the agricultural season a success, including a seat for farmers.

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