
Simply: Bakri Al-Jak and Targeting the Sudanese Army

Dr. Adel Abdel Aziz Al-Faki

Bakri Al-Jak, who was recently appointed as the spokesperson for Taqddum stated in his first media interview that the SAF must surrender, and that this is not a defect and that Japan had done it before, that is, surrender.
Despite the naivety of the idea, it expresses a fixed direction and a systematic plan, followed by Bakri Al-Jak under the direction of intelligence agencies to dismantle the SAF.
In June 2022, the Center for Advanced Defense Studies (C4ADS), a US-based think tank, issued a report entitled (Its Protector is Its Thief) with a subtitle saying (How Military Control of the Economy Obstructs Democracy in Sudan). Bakri Al-Jak was one of the sources for this report.
In the first week of July of the same year, the Center for Advanced Defense Studies held a symposium on the aforementioned report. Cameron Hudson, a researcher and former diplomat, Kholoud Mohamed Khair, a political activist, and Magdy Amin, a former advisor to the Minister of Finance, participated in the symposium, and Eva Kahan, the Sudan official at the center, chaired the symposium.
The focus of the discussion was imposing sanctions on the SAF and its institutions.
During the same month, political activist Bakri Al-Jak published an article that was circulated on electronic media entitled (The State of Cartels and Cross-Border Gangs).
The content of the article does not deviate from the content of the report (Its Protector is Its Thief), as they are issued from one thought and a unified vision, which considers the army and its various institutions as criminal gangs whose goal is to plunder Sudan’s wealth.
It is noteworthy that this systematic campaign intensified after the participation of defense industries systems in the Abu Dhabi Defense Systems Exhibition, and the system obtained contracts with the armies of some countries after it presented high-tech products at very competitive prices.
For example, Sudan’s participation in the Abu Dhabi Defense and Security Industries Exhibition (IDEX 2015) attracted attention in terms of the size of the participation and the equipment that was displayed.
Specialized military periodicals and magazines have broadly outlined this participation. For example, the TTU edition, which specializes in defense industries and strategic studies and is published in France, referred to this participation by saying: (More than 1,200 companies from 55 countries participated in the exhibition, an increase of 38.5% over last year.
The majority of participants came from emerging countries in the field of military industries.
The pavilions of South Korea, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the Emirates were distinguished. The huge participation of the Sudanese Military Industrialization Corporation also attracted attention, which in a few years has become one of the respected suppliers of weapons and ammunition in the countries of the African continent despite the conditions that this country is experiencing).
It is worth noting that in terms of the size of the exhibition, the Sudanese Military Industrialization Corporation ranked second after the UAE.
In a few years, the Sudanese military industry has developed to very advanced levels in the fields of small arms, ammunition, armored military vehicles, small aircraft, and drones, through the Safat aircraft production factory affiliated with the corporation, and production in these fields is comparable to its counterpart in developed countries. It is exported to a number of countries.
Therefore, it is clear that what Bakri Al-Jak is doing is a systematic effort to destroy the Sudanese army, and by appointing him as the official spokesman for (Taqddum) it is clear that the task of destruction has been assigned to this political alliance that works against the country and against the SAF, and with these circumstances, the state’s agencies must pursue this organization internally and externally. And Allah is the Grantor of success.

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