
An economic expert calls to adopt policies to stop deterioration of the pound

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Economic expert Dr. Mohamed Al-Nayer affirmed the need to adopt urgent policies to stop the deterioration of the exchange rate of the national currency and reach a stage of stability at any rate, noting that it does not mean its improvement because it will come in a future stage after the end of the war.
Al-Nayer saw in his interview to ( Sudan Events ) on Friday that this requires financial policies represented in reducing public spending and arranging its priorities and working to increase state revenues and activating revenue agencies (tax, customs and ports) taking into account that this does not affect the lives of citizens and that it results from real revenues in the budget in addition to arranging import priorities and importing only basic goods and working to increase the volume of exports, noting that it requires programs whether in the mining sector to increase the volume of gold production and exports and in the agricultural sector to work to increase agricultural production rates in order to increase export rates and work in other various sectors.
Al-Nayer reiterated his point that one of the problems that led to the decline in the value of the national currency is speculation in foreign currencies, and stressed that this requires the role of the security services to limit these negative phenomena, but he pointed out that this is a complementary element to policies and not essential, and called for the need to think about dealing with the looted funds.
Al-Nayer suggested stopping the circulation of large categories in economic activity, so that their acceptance in banks is limited only until the war ends and practical consideration is given to changing the currency and reconsidering the current class structure.

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