
Flow of Agricultural Crops Export

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The official spokesperson for the Agricultural Chamber of Gedaref State, Hassan Zaroug, attributed the rise in sesame prices to the rise in the dollar price because it is an export crop.
He said in his statement to (Sudan Events ) on Friday that the price of the train exceeded SDGs115,000 , but he pointed out that cotton prices did not rise compared to sesame, which is currently priced at SDGs 80,000 ,noting that its price is supposed to be SDGs 140,000, because 80,000 does not cover the cost of its cultivation.
Zaroug affirmed the flow of crop exports except for corn exports, while acknowledging that there is an impact on the quantities being exported and the cost of transportation and transport due to the ongoing war between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support RSF Militia.

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