
As I see it: The Continuous Random Killing.. Why? (3-3)

Adel El-Baz

“There is a war that must be fought in this country, against those who have dared too much.”

I said at the end of the second article I wondered why the militia chose the path of civil war?
The militia realized that there is no way to seize the State, its coup failed and so did the war, the only way for it to remain alive and have an existence and influence is through fragmenting the State and dividing the country and there is no way to do that except civil war by inciting the tribes against each other with the aim of accelerating the establishment of its entity or new state on the remains of Sudan 56.!! It is now implementing the civil war strategy in the north with random killing that affects all tribes, and in the west with genocide, systematic killing, and forced displacement, then seizing the major cities. It is now trying to invade the largest city in the west, Al-Fasher, to complete the pillars of its State.
There is no way to complete the plan and achieve its goals except by provoking a civil war and igniting it in all parts of Sudan. Its control over the entire west will be of no use if the Sudanese state remains cohesive.
The militia knows that if the Sudanese State remains in existence and does not disintegrate as a result of the civil war, it will be defeated and expelled from the north, no matter how long it takes, and the advance will head to western Sudan. It will not be able to confront the millions of western tribes, in addition to the capabilities of hundreds of thousands in the national army. At the end, it will be defeated and routed, even if it mobilizes the mercenaries of the diaspora and all of their Arabs in Darfur.
The only climate in which a militia can survive is a status of civil war, otherwise it will die sooner or later. The antidote to civil war can be found in three points: 1. Avoiding the incitement of hate speech between the social components of the state, and this war should not be given any tribal or clan dimension that changes its nature.
The war is only against a rebel militia that is being fought by the entire Sudanese people, with all its tribes, which the Sudanese army proudly includes without distinction. With such awareness, we defeat the militia’s plan and its tendency to incite a civil war. 2/ We must commend the responsible moves that groups of the Rizeigat are now making by forming a delegation to meet with the senior leadership in the state in Port Sudan and declaring that the tribe has nothing to do with the crimes of the militia and that it does not represent the tribe in any way.
They are rebel forces that are not managed or encouraged by the Rizeigat tribe. This is an excellent step that indicates a high sense of patriotism. It will be followed by another step by sections of the Misseriya, which will adopt the same line that disavows the militia and its crimes and calls on its sons to leave the rebel forces and not join them now or in the future, no matter what the temptations are.
This militia has brought a bad reputation to many tribes that we have never heard in their history steal, loot and rape. The final antidote to combat the danger of civil war and the militia plans is the Sudanese army. What is required is to support it in a way that enables it to defeat the evil plan. It is qualified and capable of doing so with its history, its soldiers, officers, and diverse formation within which all the tribes of Sudan are fighting the rebellion. It is the first and last line of defense against the winds of civil war, particularly if the people remain behind it, supporting it and always chanting the most wonderful anthem, “One Army, One People.” This alone is enough to make the army strong and the state united, no matter how much the Arab diaspora and their mercenaries and some Gulf Arabs gang up on it with their money that they are now spending generously. They will spend it, but it will be a regret for them, and Allah is victorious over His affair, even if the conspirators hate it.

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