
Al-Tijani Al-Sisi in an interview with (Sudan Events ): We welcome Russian mediation in this case (…) and reject it if it is a maneuver

Al-Tijani Al-Sisi in an interview with (Sudan Events ):

Al-Fasher is resistant to invaders and its battle will be a turning point

The (Wad Al-Nura) massacre is a war crime that the regional and international community must take action regarding

We have not received any information indicating that there are arrangements for a conference in Egypt

We welcome Russian mediation in this case (…) and reject it if it is a maneuver

Taqddum believe that they are guardians of Sudan, which is unacceptable
Head of the National Movement powers ,Dr. Al-Tijani Al-Sisi, called on the African Union AU to begin establishing an umbrella that includes the League of Arab States, the UN and the countries that have remained at an equal distance from the parties to the conflict in the country to unify the various regional and international initiatives so that there is a single platform.

Al-Sisi revealed in an interview with (Sudan Events) that there is an upcoming meeting of the African Union, the League of Arab States, the United Nations, and some countries in Cairo that may discuss this matter, and he warned that interventions in the Sudanese crisis will lead to dangerous consequences for the unity of the country.

Sudan Events- Interview- Aya Ibrahim

First, let’s talk about the Battle of El Fasher. How do you view its going on ?
The Battle of El Fasher is like the mother of all battles. It will be a turning point in the ongoing attacks by the militia on the people of Sudan. It will be decided in favor of the armed forces, the armed struggle movements, the national forces, and the mobilized who carry weapons and defend El Fasher and its people.
El Fasher will be difficult for the invaders who came from outside Sudan, most of them from Chad, Libya, and Niger, who are trying to bring it down. It will be difficult because of what we see of the courage of the sons of the armed forces, the armed struggle movements, and the mobilized who are at the forefront of those defending El Fasher and the dignity of the homeland.
In light of what is happening, in your opinion, what are the closest solutions to get out of the country’s dark tunnel and stop the ongoing bloodshed?
Any crisis should end with negotiations. There is a path in the Jeddah platform that will lead to a ceasefire and the opening of humanitarian corridors.
We support Jeddah platform. At the same time, the parties must implement what was signed, particularly the Rapid Support Forces RSF regarding the following: evacuating citizens’ homes and civilian dignitaries. It is very difficult for the Sudanese people and the armed forces to be convinced to sign any ceasefire agreement while their homes are occupied. How can the SAF convince the Sudanese people to cease fire while the RSF are occupying their homes? The Jeddah platform must continue, but the RSF must implement what was agreed upon in the platform. Negotiations must also be based on values ​​and logic.
If the agreements signed in Jeddah are not implemented, why return to the platform? What was agreed upon in the Jeddah platform must be implemented and then continued to reach a formula for a ceasefire.
Wad al-Nura massacre committed by the RSF militia was met with widespread condemnation.
In your opinion, will it lead to the beginning of a new war or solutions?
Unarmed citizens were attacked with anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons and killed in a massacre that the island had never witnessed before. It is true that this happened in Darfur and other areas, but for this to happen in full view of the regional and international community, and even more so for the militia to document the attacks, this is a war crime.
As the regional and international community should have taken action and condemned what happened in Wad al-Nura and taken measures to prevent the recurrence of such operations against unarmed citizens.
Now the bombing continues against civilians and displaced persons in Al-Fasher. These IDPs were displaced from their sites and lands 21 years ago, and then the same group that displaced them followed them into their camps and cities.
This is something that should be condemned not only regionally, but also internationally.
Regarding solutions, have you received the Egyptian invitation to participate in the conference scheduled to be held at the end of this month?
We welcomed the Egyptian invitation through a statement. It is important to have broad consultations with the political forces, especially if the matter concerns the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue.
One of the most important foundations of the dialogue is that there be a national committee to manage the dialogue, chosen by the political powers participating in the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue.
The choose powers the participants and set the agenda for the conference. The issue requires consultations between the political blocs.
So far, we have not received anything indicating that there are arrangements being made to hold the conference.
Sudan’s move towards Russia, what is your comment on it?
What is left for Sudan as an option other than moving towards Russia? The USA is dragging its tails towards what is happening in Sudan and does not call things by their names.
We have not heard from them that there are violations that have occurred, nor have we heard that there is influence from the US on the UAE which supplies the militia with weapons and equipment. The position of the Troika and some European countries is also strange. So what is left for the Sudanese government to do while it is facing a fierce war?
Moving towards Russia is an option available to the Sudanese government, and there is no shame in the move if it means achieving the country’s higher interests and goals.
How do you view the position of international powers regarding the country’s crisis?
There are international powers whose hearts are with the RSF . They see the tragedies and human rights violations that are happening, and Allah has not opened a word for them to condemn what is happening in Sudan, which is shameful.
This means that there are international powers whose agenda is to continue the war in exhausting the people of Sudan and creating more fragility in Sudan. Perhaps they can eventually seize the resources of the people of Sudan.
Russia has submitted a request to lead a mediation between Sudan, the UAE, and Chad.
How do you view that?
We welcome Russian mediation if it will lead to stopping the air bridge between Abu Dhabi and N’Djamena, which transports weapons and equipment to the militias that use them to destroy and sabotage the country, terrorize citizens and loot their property, and if it will lead to the Chadian government closing the borders and preventing the flow of mercenaries and foreigners to Sudanese territory who kill citizens and loot their property, if it will lead to that, then it is welcome.
However, if the situation now does not tolerate any regional or international maneuvers, what is the point at which your alliance regarding the country stops?
In light of the acceleration of events, what is the point at which your alliance regarding the country stops?
Our view is clear that the country is now facing a foreign invasion and many challenges that require uniting the people of Sudan around basic issues, the first of which is the Sudanese issue.
We must all stop any external interference that could ultimately lead to influencing our national decision and national sovereignty.
The Sudanese issue should be discussed in a comprehensive Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue that does not exclude anyone, which lays the foundation for managing Sudan in the transitional period and which leads to a democratic civil system after fair elections in which everyone participates.
The founding conference that Progress recently held in Addis Ababa is still controversial. How do you view it?
We disagree with the Progressives on a fundamental issue, which is resolving the Sudanese problem.
We demand that the solution be from a comprehensive perspective. The issue is a national issue.
All Sudanese are directly responsible for contributing their opinions on how to end the war and how Sudan can be governed in the transitional period. Therefore, they still believe that they are the ones responsible and guardians of Sudan, which is unacceptable.
There is reliance on the outside, and we believe that the political forces should rely on themselves and develop their internal agendas, and try to reach a comprehensive Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue with a national agenda and administration.
In your opinion, what are the expected scenarios regarding the country’s crisis? Is it possible to return to the Jeddah negotiations or continue with the military resolution?
We hope that Jeddah platform will continue according to the previous considerations that I mentioned and that the African Union AU will begin to establish an umbrella that includes the Arab League, the United Nations UN , and the countries that have remained at an equal distance from the parties. The umbrella is important in unifying the many regional and international initiatives. We realize that there are many regional and international initiatives that create a kind of confusion for the political forces. Establishing the umbrella could lead to unifying the initiatives and having one platform.
I learned that there is a meeting of the African Union, AU the Arab League, the United Nations UN ,and some countries that will be held in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.
Perhaps this will be discussed. We hope that the meeting will come out with this matter so that the political forces and political solutions are not fragmented because this would lead to prolonging the country’s crisis and the suffering of the Sudanese people.
We hope that Sudan will witness peace and stability. If the situation continues with the interventions that we see, this will lead to prolonging the crisis and the suffering of the Sudanese people and there will be dangerous consequences for the unity of Sudan.
This is what we fear. It is important to return to the Jeddah negotiations according to what I mentioned regarding the exit of the Rapid Support Forces RSF from the homes of citizens and civilian dignitaries.

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