
Facts change Equations of The Politics

Zain Al-Abidin Saleh Abdul Rahman

Dostoyevsky says (sometimes people do not want to listen to the truth because they do not want their illusions to be shattered)
The majority of political leaders in third world countries who are unable to achieve their plans do not look for the reasons that led to the failure, particularly if the action that is to be implemented contradicts the slogans of virtue, freedom, democracy and other slogans that are easy to repeat without having the competencies capable of implementing them on the ground..
Therefore, you find them resorting to the absence of the truth when they feel that their plan has failed.. Those who are looking for a scapegoat to hang their mistakes on.. feel inside themselves a state of weakness, lack of competence and experience, weakness and psychological defeat that pushes them to mislead and try to hide the truth..
The war did not only destroy the country’s infrastructure, loot and steal citizens’ properties , assault their honor and waste their lives.. but it revealed their readiness to lie without hesitation and cover up the truth..
The morning of April 15, 2023 ,the militia leader was inside his military vehicle near the Republican Palace, threatening to kill and arrest Burhan, Kabashi and Mohamed Osman Al-Hussein, and that they were now within range of the militia members’ rifles.
He affirmed that it would be a matter of moments and the matter would end and the evening would end.
The militia controlled everything inside Khartoum before the conflict erupted and failed to accomplish the coup mission. If we review the previous coups that were all successful, they only controlled the “General Command, closed the bridges and the airport, and controlled the Radio and TV only, and the coup succeeded.
As for the militia, it controlled all of that and more, and more than 80,000 fighters inside the capital, and its coup failed, exploiting more than 4,000 vehicles equipped with cannons and heavy weapons.
When it felt that it had failed, which confirms its lack of experience and weak military capabilities in implementation, it resorted to lying with the aim of misleading that the Islamic movement was behind igniting the war and was behind the coup.
Some say that all the military leaders are affiliated with the Islamic movement and are behind the coup. If it is the one who controls the joints of power, why does it want to carry out a military coup against the same?
The expulsion of the militia elements from the buildings of the National Radio and TV Corporation and the SAF’s control over them revealed the truth of what happened on April 15, 2023, with the presence of the militia advisor, Yousuf Ezzat, in the buildings of the corporation carrying statements that were prepared in advance to be broadcasted on the day of the coup, which confirms the truth of what happened on April 15, 2023, that it was a military coup.
Here the political equation changes; Because the coup was not the work of the militia alone, but political leaders may have participated in it.
Until now, it is not known whether these leaders participated by an individual decision or with the knowledge of their parties. The new facts reveal the intent of the political endeavor. If the leaders were involved in the coup, they become unqualified to lead political action for the sake of democratic transformation, and the process of falsifying the facts makes them dishonest and lacks the transparency that makes others trust them.
All attitudes were built on the fact that the war was shots fired by Islamist elements affiliated with Ali Karti, even though the main reason was a military coup by the militia, and that changing information leads to a change in the entirety of the previous idea.
The state of acute polarization in the political street; Which has been ongoing since the fall of the Salvation on April 11, 2019, was not based on real information, it was all a state of anger based on slogans dictated by action and reaction that hid many facts, so the mind became unable to keep up with the influx of information that is not supported by any facts on the ground, only to be for or against..
Now the facts are beginning to be revealed that what happened is a military coup.. and the first thread necessarily leads to the end, because the majority of the people want to know the facts in their entirety, and far from the justifications that have become a general culture for all political powers ..
And what I always repeat in the articles, that the abundance of slogans in the political arena is considered evidence of weakness and cultural and cognitive poverty in party institutions, because the process of change requires a thought that leads the process of democratic transformation in order to create an intellectual dialogue between all intellectual trends, so that the principle of respecting opinion and other opinions is established, and at the same time produces a democratic culture that expands on the totalitarian culture accumulated as a result of the continuation of totalitarian political systems for decades in the country, so if the political forces are stingy in producing a democratic culture within Its institutions and in its dealings with others, cannot be worthy of leading the democratic transformation process..
Democracy is not based on falsifying information, and on slogans that the leadership knows before others that they do not have the ability to implement on the ground, that the majority of political powers are weak in cultural, cognitive and intellectual production..
That a wide category of intellectuals and media professionals have built their conviction on what is happening in the political arena of the militia’s information and false claims, and they are not prepared to change this conviction because they have not been accustomed throughout their history to review themselves or practice the critical approach.
Everyone loves the approach of justification because it hangs the mistake on hangers and not on the individuals who committed the mistakes. No matter how much the facts are revealed, everyone will continue to be stubborn.
This culture will remain and will lead in the future to the failure of any political project that could advance the country. “Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” Change and avoiding justification alone is what will change the course of politics and lead to a new culture in society.
Everybody or organization must know that they possess a part of the truth that the other possesses the remaining part. We ask Allah for good insight.

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