
New Decisions to rehabilitate and rebuild the industrial Sector

Sudan Events-Cairo – Nahid Oshi

Minister of Industry Mahasin Yaqoub revealed new decisions regarding legislation and laws to accelerate the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the industrial sector.
She affirmed the importance of focusing efforts to push forward construction and reconstruction of the industrial sector in Sudan, which was destroyed by the war.
While addressing on Monday, the workshop on rebuilding the industrial sector – a post-war vision – which was launched in Cairo in cooperation with the Arab Union for Industrial Export Development and the Department of Organizations and Unions at the League of Arab States, she revealed that the infrastructure of the industrial sector was destroyed by 90%.
The minister affirmed that the great will of manufacturers to overcome challenges has led to an increase in growth despite the war, and said that the concentration of industry in the states of Khartoum and Gezira due to the weakness of infrastructure in the states led to investors preferring to invest in Khartoum instead of the states, and she said that the war revealed the importance of developing industry according to new foundations and correcting the course in the next stage, and added (every cloud has a silver lining), affirming that reconstruction is linked to stopping the war and limiting the damage, and there is a reconstruction committee headed by the Minister of Finance.
The Minister revealed the increase in requests for investment licenses in safe areas, and said that production is the strongest weapon to confront the current war, and said, “We must exploit the available resources in the country.”
She affirmed that the war is economic and targets Sudan’s resources, and added, “We will achieve all goals,” and reassured industrialists that the industry will be based on new foundations and a good and healthy climate for investment.
For his part, the Sudanese Ambassador to Egypt, Lt.Gen. Imad Adawi, said that Sudan is going through extremely complex circumstances as it faces threats targeting its identity, considering the workshop a continuation of a series of efforts by the Sudanese government to discuss ways to redevelop sectors that support development and visions to rebuild what was destroyed by the war with the help of the Arab League and friendly countries to mitigate the damage to the citizen while saving the agricultural season and achieving recovery for the productive sectors.
Adwi affirmed the Sudanese government’s interest in the industrial sector, which contributed to achieving great economic leaps, pointing to the efforts made to advance the sector, which faced systematic destruction by the militias that are still targeting the destruction of productive sectors.
At the same time, he pointed to the state’s efforts to develop plans for the recovery of sectors from the effects of the war, supported by regional and international support, calling for the need to focus on training and qualifying youth energies, preparing the industrial sector, and attracting investments to enhance opportunities for the restoration of state sectors.

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