
Islamic Jurisprudence Assembly condemns “Wad al-Nura” massacre and calls for more patience for the sake of higher interests

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Islamic Jurisprudence Assembly in Sudan condemned the massacre of the village of Wad al-Nura in Gezira state, which was committed by the Rapid Support RSF Militia at the end of last week, and the Assembly called on the armed forces SAF to protect civilians.
In a statement on Monday, the Islamic Jurisprudence Assembly described the violations of the Rapid Support Forces RSF as “barbaric savagery”, and said that these “gangs” have been accustomed to this behavior in the Darfur region.
The Assembly called on communities to stand with the stricken village by hosting, assisting, and providing services to those fleeing the brutality of the RSF calling on the Sudanese to cooperate in such situations.
The statement added, “Despite the harshness of the matter and the bitterness of the tragedy, the Assembly calls on the Sudanese people to be more patient and patient for the sake of higher interests, as these painful events here and there do not affect our support for the army, our standing behind it, and our cooperation with it to break and defeat the enemy.”

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