
As I see it : The traitorous fraud Karim Khan.!!

Adel El-Baz

Yesterday, the fraudulent Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court ICC Karim Ahmed Khan launched an urgent appeal that caused a stir on satellite channels and ignited the internet and his statements occupied the front pages of major international newspapers.
This was the biggest fraud carried out by a prosecutor since the other fraudster Ocampo disappeared from the criminal scene ten years ago.
What did this traitorous fraudster say in his appeal (We appeal to all victims’ groups, all civil society organizations, national authorities, and international partners capable of doing so to provide any evidence and materials related to the ongoing atrocities and pain suffered by the civilian population throughout Darfur.).
Why is Khan a traitor and a fraud?
Khan said in his same statement the day before yesterday that (Based on the referral submitted by the United Nations Security Council UNSC to my office, we have an active ongoing investigation into this case. As I have previously emphasized, the horrific events in West Darfur, including El Geneina in 2023, are among our main priorities in the investigations).
Imagine that this case reached the prosecutor’s office on 14/7/2023, almost a full year ago.
At the time, Khan told the media (that the court had opened a new investigation into “war crimes” in Darfur. This came after the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights UNHCHR revealed that 87 bodies were buried in a mass grave in the city of El Geneina, the capital of West Darfur State, under orders from the Rapid Support Forces.).
Imagine that this fraudster waited a full year to launch his appeal and plea to collect evidence yesterday, he who said that he had opened an investigation at the time did not collect evidence for it until a year after the disaster!!.
This same prosecutor said in a Security Council session on January 30, 2023 (The alleged atrocities that took place in El Geneina constitute a central line of investigations that my office is currently conducting.
He added, “We are collecting a very significant amount of material, information and evidence related to these specific crimes.).
Look at the phrase “alleged atrocities” even though videos of those atrocities and genocide have been flowing into his office by activists from the Masalit tribe since the first day.
The important thing is that this prosecutor has had all the sufficient information for a year, but he did not conduct an investigation or issue an appeal.
After the disasters and atrocities became too many to count, he returned today to issue this disgusting appeal!!

Up to this point, we realize that the public prosecutor had enough information in his office drawers to launch that investigation, but he did not do so and is tricking us today with a statement to calm public opinion that besieged him after the Wad al-Noura massacre.

The question that the fraudster evaded is: Who is the perpetrator of these crimes? He is certainly “unknown” to the prosecutor. Look at him as he says (I want to be clear.
I do not want there to be any doubt that the information that my office is collecting daily from Darfur reveals an organized, systematic and profound attack on human dignity.
I believe based on the information we receive that we are on the verge of something worse.) .

Who is carrying out this organized, systematic and profound attack on human dignity? …
He kept silent about that in the council and now he ignores those who are committing the killing and genocide, even though this information that was gathered in the prosecutor’s office undoubtedly contains documented videos from the criminals and victims alike.. The pictures and information reach his office. Is it reasonable that his eyes did not see the brave men in their well-known uniforms and their usual criminality committing all the atrocities he spoke about? Didn’t he see that they themselves film their crimes and provide evidence and proof against themselves, with which this defendant does not need new evidence and proof, nor does he need appeals to defraud justice and the victims and mock global public opinion that watches the militia commit its crimes on live TV every day.
After all this flood of evidence pouring in on social media from the videos and information that reach his office every day, the fraudster appeals to the victims and witnesses… then ignores the criminal who commits the atrocities as if he does not know him…
This traitorous fraudster betrayed his profession, betrayed the victims, and betrayed justice… May Allah curse him.

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