Sudan Events-Exclusive
Sudan Events learned from informed sources that sharp disagreements between Abdullah Hamdok, head of the Coordination of Democratic Civilian Forces “Taqddum) and leaders in the Executive Office of the Coordination over the Egyptian initiative and its hosting of a conference for Sudanese civil political forces at the end of June.
The same sources added that the Executive Office of Progress presented conditions for accepting the Egyptian initiative and including it among the forces targeted by the framework agreement, which was rejected by the head of the Coordination, Abdullah Hamdok, who addressed the Egyptians to accept the initiative without conditions, and threatened to participate in the conference alone.
The sources stated that the Egyptian authorities dealt selectively with Progress, as they extended the invitation to Hamdok and a number of Progress leaders, most notably Omar Al-Degair, head of the Sudanese Congress Party, Kamal Ismail, head of the National Alliance Party, and Al-Wathiq Al-Barir, Secretary-General of the National Umma Party.