
New Scene

Abdul Samie Al-Omrani

Security Council Resolution on Al-Fasher!!

They believe in our naivety and stupidity..

The news says:
The UN Security Council, during its session on June 13, 2024, demanded that the Rapid Support Forces RSF in Sudan end their siege of the city of Al-Fasher, the capital of North Darfur State in western Sudan, and put an end to the fighting.
The Security Council called, within a draft resolution, drafted by the United Kingdom UK and supported by 14 members of the Council, with Russia abstaining from voting, for an immediate cessation of fighting and an end to the escalation in and around Al-Fasher.
The British Ambassador to the UN, Barbara Woodward, told the Council, “Any attack on the city would be catastrophic… The Council sent a strong signal to both parties to the conflict today.
The Council called on all parties to the conflict to ensure the protection of civilians, while calling on all parties to allow the exit of civilians wishing to leave El Fasher, also calling on all countries to “stop external interference in Sudan that fuels conflict and instability, and the need for member states that facilitate the transfer of weapons and military materials to Darfur to comply with the arms embargo measures.”
End of the story ….
We note that there were
more malicious annexes to the resolution, which was drafted by the icon of conspiracy, baseness and political and diplomatic meanness towards Sudan (Britain), yes, it is Britain, which was not mentioned in the conspiracy to conspire and dominate Sudan except that the USA followed it second and the French devil third.
It is clear that this malicious decision was issued at this time in order to save what remains of the Rapid Support RSF Militia, which is now staggering on the walls of El Fasher after receiving painful blows from the joint forces, and the Sudanese warplane squadrons did not fail to destroy the groups Fleeing from the hell of the outskirts of El Fasher, these conspiring and commanding countries were their agent (the UAE), which is the exclusive agent specialized in persecution and undermining any Arab Islamic country that says no to them.
We do not know why the UAE of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah have mercy on him, are satisfied, why do they accept for themselves these roles that do not resemble the chivalry and pride of Arabism and their characteristics that the knight Amr bin Kulthum chanted about? We point out that the three countries were counting heavily on the fall of El Fasher and continued to appeal in malice wrapped in buried longings for the victory of the Janjaweed over the SAF in a way that imitates the malice of the fox who refused to provide assistance to the lion stuck between two rocks and needs to be pushed from the face to get out of the predicament.
The fox or the conspiratorial trio was happy with this predicament for the SAF and the forces of the Darfur movements that support it, as they were happy with the siege that the Rapid Support RSF Militias led months ago on El Fasher.
The conspiratorial countries waited for a long time and provided support in various forms to the militia to bring down El Fasher, and with shyness and in the manner of the fox, they continued to appeal The Rapid Support Forces RSF not to enter El Fasher, which is a kind of laughter and mockery of the minds of those who call them the international community, so the three countries maliciously appeal to the Rapid Support Forces RSF militia (please do not bring down El Fasher) at that time the militia was at the height of its power and strength around El Fasher and it imposed a siege on it, and those three cursed countries did not resort to the UN Security Council to stop the siege, but rather encouraged it in the manner of the fox who said to the lion maliciously and gloatingly (I do not want to scratch the face of the friend), in general, the last resolution that Britain and its friends wanted, they wanted through it to save what remained of the Rapid Support Forces RSF militias that were subjected to a holocaust and suicide on the steadfast walls of El Fasher, and the pen holder did not forget to include some provocative paragraphs in the resolution, which were points that belittled the Sudanese Armed Forces SAF and equated them in description and practices with the militia, but both Russia and China demanded the deletion of those paragraphs from the resolution, and the resolution also calls in cunning and malice on both sides to provide security for civilians to safely exit El Fasher under the pretext of preserving their security and safety , and what is unfortunate is that the foreign ministries of these three countries deal with Sudan in a way that can be described as despicable and naive, because they believe in our naivety and stupidity, and they think that we actually believe this nonsense such as preserving the lives of civilians and ensuring the passage of relief to the needy and other values ​​that they profess as political and diplomatic hypocrisy, perhaps they know or do not know that the Sudanese people are the teachers of the peoples and we are a nation most of whom, if not all of them, are politicians by birth and have a high degree of culture and awareness of the corridors of international politics, and the Sudanese have now fully realized after the events in Sudan and Gaza that these countries that claim humanity and wear the garb of nobility and purity are in fact not wasting any consideration for human values, but are just words on their tongues only, and no matter how much they lie, they support their agent, the UAE, which plays and masters the roles of evil more than what was asked of it, as if it is the militia of international politics in the Middle East, supporting it unlimitedly and using all malicious tricks to deliver weapons to the Rapid Support RSF Militia, so the convoys and shipments of weapons and equipment Advanced warfare is sent daily through countries that have sold themselves like prostitutes to the exclusive agent, and the goal is to defeat the SAF to dismantle it and dissolve all other regular forces through Plan B after the failure of Plan A, which was destroyed with the buried framework agreement.

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