
Sudan calls on Turkey to increase its investments in the country

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Minister of Trade and Supply Al-Fatih Abdullah Yousuf called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to urge countries that support the Rapid Support RSF Militia, which is waging a war against the SAF with material, technical and logistical support to stop providing support and not to interfere in Sudan’s internal affairs.
The Minister of Trade, who headed the Sudanese delegation participating in the ministerial meeting of the third session of the Trade Negotiations Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation held in Istanbul, Turkey, affirmed the need to maximize the benefit from the trade financing and export guarantee programs provided by some of the organization’s institutions, calling on the governments of the member states and the private sector to enter into investment projects and partnerships in all areas related to the development and maximization of Sudanese exports.
The Minister explained Sudan’s position on implementing the trade preference system for the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and thanked the friendly member states that stood by Sudan and provided relief to areas affected by the war.
During his meeting with his Turkish counterpart, Professor Omar Bolat, the Turkish Minister of Trade and Supply, on the sidelines of the meetings of the third session of the Trade Negotiations Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation held in Istanbul, Turkey, the Minister of Trade and Supply, Al-Fatih Abdullah Youssef, called for increasing the volume of Turkish investments in Sudan, especially in the fields of agriculture and livestock, energy and mining, electricity and water, ports, airports, roads and bridges. He referred to the Turkish-Sudanese Trade Investment Forum, which was prepared and arranged by the Sudanese side by sending project proposals in those sectors to the Turkish side, in addition to arranging a meeting for Turkish businessmen with the Sudanese private sector, as well as government sector projects between the two countries.
The meeting addressed the call to open new markets for some horticultural exports, especially mangoes, in addition to red onions.

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