
CAR between the wrath of the rebel commander at the time and the mercenary convoys today

The Post-experts Report Square

Report – Amir Abdel Majid

Perhaps not many remember the day when the leader of the Rapid Support RSF Militia, Mohamed Hamdan Daglo , stood in a reconciliation that brought together the Rizeigat and Dajo tribes.. On that day, and suddenly, Hemeti got angry, and accused unnamed parties in Khartoum of plotting a coup against the Central African government, and claimed that he had aborted this coup, and announced that his forces had closed the borders with the Central African Republic (CAR )on his personal orders, and repeated more than once the phrase that what happened was an ambush to trap him.
Introduction to events
because the talk was broadcast on State TV and because most people did not clearly understand what Hemeti meant, his talk passed, at least as a public opinion, without anyone paying attention to it. However, this talk was an introduction to events that the region witnessed after it and a false summary to cover events that the region witnessed before. Because our political public opinion is accustomed to not stopping much at a country like the Central African Republic CAR it dealt with the statements of the United Nations UN experts as Hemeti’s excitement at the celebration of the signing of the peace between the Dajo and the Rizeigat, although the news has great implications on the ground.
The experts affirmed in a report that the Rapid Support Forces RSF are currently using the CAR as a (supply line) to recruit fighters in its ranks and that the Popular Front for the Renaissance of the Central African Republic CAR has already participated in the war in Sudan and warned of the repercussions of the war on neighboring countries. The report of the Committee of Experts, who are people assigned by the UN Security Council to monitor the sanctions regime in the Central African Republic CAR explained that the Rapid Support Forces RSF use the Umm Dafuq area on the other side of the border as a major logistics center, stressing that these forces move easily across the border thanks to a network that was established a long time ago.
The report affirmed that the experts suspect that armed groups affiliated with The opposition in the Central African Republic CAR also recruited elements to send to fight in Sudan under the banner of the Rapid Support Forces RSF and that it also sent some of its members to fight.
Crisis Analysis:

This is what experts said recently, but what is the relationship of the Central African Republic CAR to anything in Sudan.. the political system.. economic interests or the interests of the major countries..
Why did Hemeti get angry and accuse some parties in Khartoum of plotting a coup in the Central African Republic CAR and is this true, and why did he exploit the peace platform in Darfur to spread what he wanted?
Francis Muir, a researcher in African affairs, said in a report published by the Italian Nova Agency that it is superficial to analyze the Sudanese crisis without addressing the role played by other powers from Russia to the Gulf state, especially the role of Sudan’s neighboring countries, starting with Chad and the Central African Republic CAR.
He added, “Gen.Mohamed Hamdan Daglo , known as Hemeti, is one of the main figures in understanding the connection between the Sudanese crisis and neighboring countries such as Chad, the Central African Republic CAR and even Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda.
He continued, “In a meeting to sign a peace document between the Dajo and Rizeigat tribes, attended by Hemeti, the man wanted to protect his agreement with the president of the Central African Republic CAR and open the borders to his forces by claiming that he closed the borders with the Central African Republic because some parties in Khartoum sought to overthrow the regime in Bangui.” Smuggling operations
Hemeti signed an agreement with the Central African CAR government in December 2022, stipulating that the Rapid Support Forces RSF would help the Bangui government eliminate the rebel forces of the Popular Front for the Renaissance of the Central African Republic led by Nourredine Adam and the Union for Peace in the Central African Republic led by Ali Darassa in exchange for allowing the Rapid Support Forces RSF to exploit the gold mines around the town of Gordel in Vakaga and facilitating the passage of Sudanese smugglers working for Abdel Rahim Daglo, Hemeti’s older brother, and allowing them to smuggle stolen cows from Sudan to Bangui via Umm Dafuq and Bambari and facilitating their purchase of (coffee) that they buy from Bambari with the money from selling the cows.
These smuggling operations have been taking place openly in the Central African Republic CAR for months and generate large financial profits that serve Hemeti’s family and the Rapid Support Forces RSF at a time when the US Treasury Department is imposing sanctions on the main companies they own. Regarding the same incident, that is, Hemeti’s talk about a coup plotted by Khartoum to change the regime in Bangui, Africa Intelligence Agency says that Hemeti’s announcement that he had officially closed Sudan’s borders with the Central African Republic CAR to prevent the expansion of The area of ​​clashes between loyalist forces in Bangui and rebel groups in Sudan was in fact a cover for his agreement with the President of the Central African Republic, Faustin-Archange Touadera, which allowed him to enter the three eastern provinces, namely Vakaga, Haut-Kotto, and Bamingui-Bangoran, an area that has historically been a hotbed of conflict over control of gold mines, livestock migration routes, and smuggling.
It is not known now what reasons made the Popular Front for the Revival of the Central African Republic CAR led by Noureddine Adam, ally with the Rapid Support Forces RSF and fight alongside them in Sudan, especially since the Rapid Support Forces RSF continued to launch regular attacks on it and the forces of Ali Darsa in defense of his agreement with the Central African government, according to which he transformed the Um Dafuq area into a central support base that allows him to monitor the area and launch attacks, taking advantage of the presence of a team from Wagner, which continued to provide combat and technological support with radars, drones, and even helicopters.
The Um Dafuq center constitutes a control area that guarantees the Rapid Support Forces RSF access to the various gold mines.
The alliance between the Bangui government and the Rapid Support Forces is not new, but rather interests that have been linked for a long time, and this is something that the Khartoum government is fully aware of, because before Dubai the son also changed, he came more than once complaining about the presence of the Rapid Support Forces RSF in Umm Dafuq with Wagner, which seeks to overthrow his regime, and about Hemeti hosting Chadian groups opposing him in the village of Umm Dukhun in Darfur, a few kilometers from the Sudanese-Chadian border. These are dangers that still exist after the fall of the Niger regime and the expansion of the Russians in the African Sahel.

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