
Readiness for the Liberation war..A thousand fighters are preparing to defeat the militia from Gezira

Sudan Events – Abdul Basit Idris
Governor of Gezira Al-Tahir Ibrahim attended the graduation of a thousand new fighters for the popular resistance in preparation for joining the SAF and regular forces to liberate Gezira and the graduation carnival that was held in Al-Managil witnessed a number of figures and notables of the state community.
Continued violations:

At a time while Hemeti’s militia continues its violations in the areas of the north and east of the state, and in its latest documented crimes, the activist in monitoring the militia’s violations in Gezira Ghandi Ibrahim, said that a force from the militia stormed the village of “Al-Malqa” in the countryside of Abu Qota and opened fire randomly and heavily on unarmed citizens, killing four people and wounding (15) others, including six injuries among women, four of whom are from one family, and Ghandi revealed the militia’s intention to target families and households by storming their homes and shooting them.
Addition and support ;
The governor of Gezira Al-Tahir Ibrahim, affirmed that the SAF will defeat the militia and cleanse the state. He said, when addressing the graduation ceremony of a thousand fighters from the popular resistance, that they will constitute an addition and support to the SAF and other regular forces.
The governor appreciated the efforts of the state’s notables and their continued support for the SAF and the government.
The decline of militia’s star:

For his part, head of the popular resistance in the state, Abdel-Moneim Abu Darira, said that the sun of the Rapid Support RSF Militia has set, affirming the readiness of the leadership of the popular resistance to provide all kinds of support to the SAF to establish security and stability in the state and all parts of the country.
Preparation will not stop:

In the context, the General Supervisor of Al-Kawahla, Awad Al-Jid Naima, said that preparation will not stop until the roots of the rebellion are cut off, affirming that no voice is louder than the voice of battle, pointing out that all mobilized personnel will be armed with qualitative weapons.
Talk to the rifle:

For his part, the commander of the First Infantry Division in Gezira Maj. Gen.Awad Al-Karim Ali, said that the talk is for the rifle and death is a sacrifice for the cause.
Military reinforcements:

At a time when the state’s combat axes received huge military reinforcements, two soldiers in the armed forces broadcast a video clip showing the arrival of two trucks loaded with military four-wheel drive vehicles, confirming their arrival at the Managil axis.
Combing and retreat:

(Sudan Events ) follow-ups indicate that the SAF and special forces are carrying out extensive combing operations in the villages west of Managil, addition to reinforcements in Gezira rea. According to eyewitnesses, the militia retreated from the vicinity of Wad Al-Noura and some villages to the Al-Qatina area in the White Nile.
President of the Sovereignty Council TSC,Commander-in-Chief of the SAF Lt.Gen.Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, visited the axes of Managil, White Nile, Sennar and Al-Faw, hours followed Wad Al-Noura massacre committed by Hemeti’s militia, which claimed the lives of (227) people, in addition to dozens of wounded.
The area and the neighboring villages witnessed large waves of displacement to Managil and the White Nile.

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