
Russian Ambassador: Western Countries seek to bring Taqddum Activists to Power at any cost

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Russian Ambassador to Sudan Andrei Chernovol said that Sudan is a collective target for Western countries, which have put in place all plans despite the failure of the (framework agreement).
The Russian ambassador affirmed in an article entitled (On Combating New Western Colonialism) that the conflict currently taking place in Sudan was caused by the Sudanese loyal to the West, who are the ones who fueled and fanned its flames.
He added, “Western countries will seek to bring paid activists and opponents of Taqddum to power in the country at any cost.
Their security cover and political partner according to the Addis Ababa Agreement is the Rapid Support Forces RSF and 80% of these are mercenaries and foreigners.”
“These groups have committed atrocities and crimes that have been condemned by their Western allies, which makes them easily get rid of them and their crimes in the near future.
The policy of blaming local leaders and making them outcasts to seize the country’s resources is an old colonial tradition. At the same time, the United Nations UN organizations use the pretexts that were developed during the conflict in Darfur in the period from 2003-2005 to intervene under Chapter VII of the UN Charter under the pretext of preventing humanitarian disasters. Unscrupulous methods have also been used, such as falsifying statistics, distorting statements by Sudanese officials, creating artificial obstacles to the delivery of humanitarian aid, and other flimsy pretexts,” he added.
These circles seek to declare famine in Sudan, forced displacement, and open the borders, which facilitates the supply process to areas under the control of the Rapid Support Forces RSF .

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