
Northern State announces 100% provision of Medical Supplies

Sudan Events – Nahid Oshi

Eid al-Adha Emergency Chamber at the Ministry of Health in the Northern state confirmed the stability of the health situation during the first days of Eid.
The chamber revealed the number of operating hospitals, which are (27) hospitals, of which (26) hospitals reported, with a reporting rate of (96.2%), with an average daily frequency of (24) cases in hospitals, while the percentage of medical supplies in operating hospitals during the Eid holiday reached (100%).
It said, “All Eid emergency medicines were distributed to all government, military and mobilization hospitals, while kidney dialysis machines, accompanying medicines, washing machines, and cancer medicines were received, in addition to receiving medical equipment for Dongola and women’s and maternity hospitals. In the environmental health axis (waste transfer), (64) tons were transferred in Halfa locality, (34.5) tons in Dongola locality, (9) tons in Merowe locality, (7) tons in Barqiq locality, and (3) tons in Dalgo locality. As for the food control axis, (49) sites were inspected in Daba locality, (25) sites in Halfa locality, and (18) sites in Dongola locality, while disease vectors were combated in (27) sites in Daba locality.
The epidemiological report on epidemic diseases showed great stability, except for the recording of (4) cases of scorpion bites and reporting (643) cases of other diseases. The chamber recorded Eid Al-Adha Emergency in the North in the Accidents and Injuries Axis One traffic accident in the East Nile Administrative Unit in Dongola Locality resulted in one injury and one death, and the Chamber renewed its continuation of its work and implementation of its tasks and competencies stated in the decision to form it.

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