
Arrangements to start the fifth filling of the GERD

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

A recent satellite image taken of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)revealed Ethiopian arrangements to start the fifth filling of the dam lake at the end of next July, without an agreement or coordination with the downstream countries, Sudan and Egypt.
Egyptian expert Dr. Abbas Sharaqi told “Al” that Ethiopia will start the fifth storage at the end of next July, as the volume of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)lake’s storage has remained at 35 billion cubic meters since last February.
Sharaki added via his Facebook account that the amount of water coming to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)from Lake Tana is equivalent to the amount of water used to generate electricity.
He explained that the fourth storage stopped on September 9, 2023, when it stored 41 billion cubic meters.
Sharaki pointed out that Ethiopia opened the two discharge gates on October 31 and November 8, 2023 to lower the lake level to complete the concrete of the middle passage, and closed the two gates on January 27, 2024 after draining about 6 billion cubic meters in three months and the lake level decreased by about 10 meters to 615 meters, which Ethiopia did not benefit from in generating electricity.

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