
Beja announce the escalation and storm the television Al-Buzai.. Clacket the second time

Sudan Events – Magda Hassan

Citizens belonging to the Beja tribe stormed the buildings of the General Authority for Radio and Television and evacuated its employees.
The move comes in response to the director of the Authority, Ibrahim Al-Buzai, who threatened broadcaster Zainab Era with expulsion from television for wearing the Bejawi uniform.
Al-Buzai’s dispute with the broadcaster, who belongs to the Beja tribe, caused a crisis on television, and the issue developed when the Supreme Council of Beja demanded that the Minister of Information remove Al-Buzai from his position, and gave him 24 hours to implement the demand.

The origin of the story

Broadcaster Zainab Ayra said that her identity is not a defect, and added that while she was in the studios of Sudan TV, which is supposed to express all spectrums of Sudanese society with its distinctive diversity, a conversation took place between her and Al-Buzai, director of the General Authority for Radio and Television, in which he expressed his anger at her wearing the “Bedjawi uniform” on the channel. “He spoke in a way that surprised me and threatened to expel me just because of my identity, confirming that the conversation took place in the presence of some colleagues who tried to contain the situations and beautify his words by saying that he did not mean it, but he insisted on that. In general, my response was: This outfit is my identity and I will not give it up.” She continued. “I did not expect to hear a speech from someone who holds a sensitive position such as the management of the General Authority for Radio and Television.” She added.

Ira stressed that she is proud of every Sudanese uniform that expresses all Sudanese in their diversity, and stressed that what the country is going through requires their unity as Sudanese and the rejection of any idea that threatens the unity of the country.

Minister’s grace period

On the other hand, following the incident, the Supreme Council of Beja Leaders gave the Sudanese Minister of Information 24 hours to dismiss Al-Buzai from his position as director of the General Authority for Radio and Television.
The Supreme Council for Beja Leaders, the Independent Sheriffs, and the Coordination of the Eastern Components said in a statement, “The director of the most important media institutions’ rejection of the authentic Bejawi uniform was mentioned in the Asafir statement. We must therefore affirm that this mentality that calls for division and diaspora represents no one but itself, and we belong to it.”
“We must give the Minister of Information 24 hours for the Director of the Authority to leave this sensitive site through which he wants to spread his sick poisons, and calls for a distinction between the traditions and customs of the components of Sudan.” He added.
“The stage now is the stage of men whose concern is the homeland and not another agenda.” He continued.
In this context, the rapporteur of the Beja Council, Abdullah Oubchar, said that his firm conviction remains that nationalism is an empty slogan practiced by those who have power over their necks to deliberately target and exclude.
“Beja will not stand until it adopts the line of uprising to lift the burden of injustice and confront the stinking mentality of exclusion, racism, totalitarianism and centralism.” He added.


Broadcaster Nader Ahmed Al-Tayeb said that Al-Baz’i’s nationalism does not need proof. He pointed out that Sudan TV had previously recorded dozens of evening shows and programs in eastern Sudan under Al-Baz’i’s supervision, with all the colors, accessories and Bejawi heritage, and they are in the TV library. He mentioned that Al-Buzi remained, through his daily morning program on Sudanese Radio, a specialized nationalist man in Sudanese heritage, folklore and local cultures, hundreds of episodes on the Bejawi identity and heritage in eastern Sudan were documented in the radio archive.

He explained that the new broadcaster mentioned in the controversy is not an employee or collaborator on television, but rather she was given the training opportunity to be absorbed if she succeeds, which is a standard policy on television. “There are strict controls for managing broadcasters that determine the details of dress code, whether nationally or officially, and the controls vary from one newscaster to another. These controls are scientific and methodological to which the TV Identity Department has contributed for decades. He added. “There are strict controls for the colors worn by the broadcaster or used by the director, including bright colors, bright materials, shiny accessories and the inclusion of henna and others. These controls are purely scientific. He said. “As is known, there are morning colors that are used in morning programs, evening colors that are used in evening and night programs, and very specific colors for news bulletins. This is universally recognized and studied in media specializations.” He continued.
He explained that broadcasters’ fashions are considered one of the important topics in broadcasters’ training programs in regional and international training centers, and revealed that many stars and senior broadcasters have been suspended from work for violating these controls.
“This is something that has been in place for decades and we have never heard anyone complaining, male or female broadcaster, and we are not accustomed to such internal matters being brought out into the street one day.” He said.
Nader confirmed that the incident of the spontaneous dialogue between Al-Buzai and the aforementioned broadcaster was fleeting, brief, and different from what was covered by the media, and was charged with what it did not deserve. “It seems that there is someone trying to stir up dust at this particular time because the incident happened months ago, in addition to whoever is supervising the programs of the Television since last May. Sheila is from a well-known family from the Beja tribes, and there are many people from the East who work at the Television Authority, and this confirms that there is no regionalism or tribalism in Authority.” He continued.

Denial of the Authority

On the other hand, the General Authority for Radio and Television clarified through the press office that what was raised about Al-Buzai expressing negative comments regarding the outfit worn by one of the broadcasters belonging to one of the components of eastern Sudan made it clear that the conversation that took place four months ago did not contain any insult to any tribal component, but rather it became surprising aroused.
The authority said in a statement that the Director General made a note to the broadcaster about the greeting in the Bejawi language in the news, and he advised her and she accepted that, then the matter began to develop professionally. Al-Buzai praised her a week ago, and pointed out the development of her performance and her creep towards stardom.
“The General Authority, while denying the insulting speech attributed to the Director General regarding the aforementioned tribal component, confirms its respect and appreciation for all the tribal components in eastern Sudan, and calls for not paying attention to everything that distracts us from the battle of the homeland, the battle of dignity, which requires the solidarity of all to achieve complete victory over the enemies of the homeland.” The statement said.

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