
In conjunction with the SAF’ advance Militia supporters’ calls for negotiations.. The rebellion is faltering

In a successive and rapid manner during the past hours, (Sudan Events) monitored a number of posts on social media platforms by a number of supporters of the rebel militia as they raised their voices and renewed their calls to return to the negotiating table and end the war urgently without putting the military solution as an option to resolve the battle in steps that affirmed
that the militia is experiencing its worst conditions and wants, through these calls, to pressure to return to the negotiating table and preserve what remains for it.

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim

Successive victories :

The calls of those loyal to the rebel militia for the necessity of returning to dialogue and excluding the military solution come in conjunction with the Sudanese Armed Forces RSF recording successive victories over the militia, most notably the killing of
Its commander in Al-Fasher, Ali Yaqoub, and the victory achieved in Khartoum with the armored corps during the past hours.
The impact of the shock
The politician Ibrahim Al-Mirghani said, “There is nothing that brought us to this miserable state other than the reckless, hysterical speeches that show the severity of the psychological suffering experienced by the war trumpets and its advocates after reality revealed the falsity of the slogans that people were led with while under the influence of the shock of the war to adopt a decisive military position in hours that extended to days, weeks and months, and now it is extending to years until the war lays down its arms, and only then will they know the enormity of what they have wrought with their tongues on their country, their families and themselves.”

Blocking the road :

At a time when the voices of the militia supporters are rising to return to negotiations, the leaders of the armed forces block the road in front of them by focusing on the army to resolve the battle militarily, while leaving the negotiating table aside, as evidenced by the recent speech of the member of the Sovereignty Council, Assistant Commander-in-Chief, Lt.Gen.Yassir Al-Atta, who said (Anyone who has a paper or negotiation should wet it and drink its water), and his confirmation that the army has become in its best condition, and before that, the speech of the Vice President of the Sovereignty Council, Malik Agar, and his response to the invitation of the United States of America USA to return to the negotiating table and his direct rejection of that.

Indication of progress :

In this regard, military expert Al-Fateh Mahjoub believes that the talks of the leaders of the army and the Sovereignty Council TSC are an indication of the progress of the Sudanese Armed Forces RSF
and their approach to resolving the battle, particularly in Darfur, and he said, “This is what prompted the tribes that represent the incubators of the Rapid Support Forces RSF to search for an equation to exit the war that guarantees social peace in the Darfur region, and it is a strong indication of the imminent end of the war in favor of the Sudanese army SAF.

Mahjoub pointed out in his interview to (Sudan Events ) that the statements are themselves part of the policy, thus they help the army and the Sovereignty Council TSC to obtain better conditions in any upcoming negotiations.

Military reliance :
The head of the Justice and Equality Movement JEM )(Suleiman Sandal, says that the overwhelming voice of the afflicted Sudanese people is the same voice calling for an immediate end to the war, despite these repeated demands at the national, regional and international levels. However, one of the parties insists strongly and relies mainly on a complete military resolution.
Sandal adds, “Our statement about the party that insists on a comprehensive, complete and decisive military resolution that eradicates the other party is that they are selling a great illusion to the masses of the Sudanese people, who, with their historical experience gained from the history of wars in Sudan, know that this goal is out of reach.”

The right path:

On the other hand, the leader of the armed popular resistance, Dr. Naji Mustafa, affirmed that the battle has begun to head in the right direction, and indicates that negotiation is a legal and humanitarian crime in the battle of dignity “because it is possible to negotiate with a person and take from him and give to him to reach a middle point, but the question is what can we give to the militia so that the war stops?”
Badawi said in a previous statement to ( Sudan Events ) “It is an absolute duty for the Sudanese people, the armed forces SAF and the popular resistance to resolve the battle militarily, and there is no alternative to a military resolution except a military resolution.”

Silencing the Gun :
The leader of the Coordination of Civilian Democratic Forces (Taqddum ) Khalid Omar Yousuf is moving towards stopping the war, and says that its continuation for one day will not bring good to Sudan.
Khalid said in a post on “Facebook”: ‘We have not and will not side with any of its parties, we are only side with peace and the security and prosperity of our people, this is our position in word and deed and we will not budge from it no matter how many calamities increase. ”
In turn, the head of the Sudanese Congress Party, Omar Youssuf Al-Degair, hoped that the occasion of Eid would be an opportunity for review and a unification of the people’s word – military and civilians – to reject war and silence the sounds of guns in favor of responding to the voice of reason and resorting to peaceful means to address the issues of the accumulated national crisis and agree on their solutions through a new social contract that heals the body of the nation, which is riddled with wounds.

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