
African mediation between Burhan and the militia leader.. Chances of success of the step?

 (Sudan Events ) interrogates politicians and experts

Al-Ummah: Mediation will not succeed as the issue concerns the people of Sudan

Leader in the Democratic Bloc: Jeddah Agreement must be implemented before talking about any mediation

Sudanese Alliance: Pressure must be put on the militias to ensure the success of African mediation well

Political analyst: Sudan relies on the Jeddah platform and the army is more likely

Once again, talk has emerged on the Sudanese scene about the necessity of a meeting between the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, Commander of the SAF Lt.Gen.Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and the Commander of the Rapid Support RSF Militia, Mohamed Hamdan Daglo (Hemedti ) after the failure of the invitation submitted by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development in Africa (IGAD) to Burhan and the militia leader earlier in order to resolve the country’s crisis, which raises a number of questions, most notably the extent of the success of African mediation in bringing together Burhan and the militia leader after forming a committee in this regard. (Sudan Events ) set these questions to experts and politicians in the following space.

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim

The African Peace and Security Council has approved a mediation committee headed by Yoweri Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda, to mediate between the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and the militia leader, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti).

The Council’s statement on the situation in Sudan stressed that an acceptable ceasefire can only be achieved through direct negotiations between the main actors. The African Peace and Security Council also called on Al-Burhan and the militia leader to meet under the auspices of the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) without delay.

A Special Issue
The head of the political sector of the Umma Party, Fathi Hassan Osman, says that the issue is the issue of a militia that rebelled against the Sudanese Armed Forces and attempted to seize power by force and through a carefully prepared military coup.
Hassan confirmed to (Al-Ahdath) that the issue is the issue of the people of Sudan with the remnants of the Rapid Support Militia. If President Museveni is serious in his mediation and has a say with the militia leader, then let him call on him to implement what was agreed upon in the Jeddah Forum. This mediation has no place in the expression now with regard to the complexities of the war in Sudan. There is the Jeddah Forum, which enjoys the support of all political and social forces in Sudan, and behind them the Sudanese Armed Forces, the Popular Resistance, and the armies of the armed movements, all of whom support this forum. Museveni’s mediation will not work and will not be successful even if he succeeds in bringing the two men together at one table, as the issue concerns the people of Sudan.

External opposition
IGAD had called for an emergency meeting in December of last year in Djibouti, after which it announced that it had been able to obtain a commitment from the leaders of the army and Rapid Support Forces to meet within 15 days of the invitation and agree to cease hostilities. However, the Sudanese Foreign Ministry opposed the IGAD statement at the time, and said that Burhan had stipulated that the meeting with Hemeti be conditional on the adoption of a permanent ceasefire and the withdrawal of the Rapid Support Forces from the capital and their assembly in areas outside it, which the IGAD Secretariat did not mention in its statement.

Prolonging the war
In turn, the official spokesman for the Sudanese coalition, Mohamed Al-Samani, believes that the African Union should have taken a strong position against the African countries that helped prolong the war and the crimes committed against the Sudanese people before this step.

Al-Samani pointed out to (Al-Ahdath) that the African Union has been silent for a long time about the violations and crimes committed against the Sudanese people, which constitute war crimes, and pointed out that the Union did not have a clear position towards the countries that support the militias, knowing that the Union’s regulations require it to be one of the institutions that sponsor peace operations and resolve conflicts on the African continent.
He said, “The African Peace and Security Committee must exert pressure on the militias to leave the homes of citizens and government and service institutions, and then move to call for a meeting so that we can ensure the success of the African mediation well.

Lack of success
The leader of the Freedom and Change “Democratic Bloc” Hassan Ibrahim Fadl rules out the success of the African step, and said, “I do not think that anything will be achieved

in the context of this war.

Fadl added to (Sudan Events ): “The militias have wreaked havoc, so first the Jeddah Agreement must be implemented before talking about any mediation.”
Mediation requirement :
Last June, IGAD proposed holding a direct meeting between Burhan and the militia leader, and formed a four-party committee headed by Kenya, but the Sudanese army objected to the committee’s chairmanship, accusing Kenya of siding with the Rapid Support RSF Militia and requiring its removal to agree to mediation. However, developments in Sudan prompted Burhan to tour several countries, during which he visited Kenya, and ended the rift with President William Ruto.
Tipping the scales
Political analyst Dr. Rashid Al-Tijani believes that mediation will not succeed in bringing Burhan and Hemedti together, and pointed out that the path in this step will not be different from the previous step regarding attempts to bring the two men together.
Al-Tijani told ( Sudan Events )that doubts still surround Hemeti’s presence, and that Sudan’s relationship with IGAD is not good, as it was previously part of it, but now the situation has changed. He explained that Sudan relies heavily on the Jeddah platform, considering it the most appropriate, and said that the situation now is far from being successful for the meeting, and that the army’s side is the most likely after achieving successive victories, and talk about the end of the Rapid Support Forces RSF is a matter of time.
Achieving Gains :

Meanwhile, the leader of the Democratic Bloc, Mubarak Ardol, indicates that the mediation is merely a
trick to play another role to achieve more private gains or to support and provide facilities for the continuation of the war under the cover of mediation, in favor of the ally of the Western powers, and against the Sudanese state.
The importance of the meeting :

Usually, the meeting between Burhan and the militia leader gains great importance once the talk about it is raised, considering that the two men have not met since the militia rebelled against the Sudanese Armed Forces SAF in April of last year. The talk about the African step comes at a time when the army is achieving wide victories over the militia in the city of El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur State, which led to the killing of its leader, Ali Yaqoub, in addition to achieving victories on the Khartoum axes, while the militia continues its wide violations in the areas under its control, especially inGezira state, after committing a new massacre in the village of Asir, rural Al-Hawsh, in which more than 17 people were killed on Friday, after the Wad Al-Noura massacre.

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