
“Look for the Emirates” ..

Why did Al-Harith’s speech in the SC bring out snakes of the African Union from their holes?

Report – Amir Abdel Majid

Once again, with the beginning of the second year of the war in Sudan, talk began about initiatives from the African Union AU and its organizations. These initiatives have always raised controversy and did not go beyond press statements and media statements at best, because the army that represents legitimacy in Sudan today and is ruling the country rejected these initiatives and turned its back on them, at a time when the African Union AU entrenched itself behind the militia and adopted its proposals and sought to impose its agenda on the Sudanese by demanding military negotiations to cease fire, while launching political negotiations at the same time to arrange the return of civilian authority.
Extraordinary Summit The African Union Peace AU and Security Council SC had called for an extraordinary summit to discuss the current situation in Sudan and considered the African roadmap a vital framework for resolving the raging crisis in Sudan.
In a statement on Friday, the African Union Council called for commitment to the map adopted in May 2023 to resolve the conflict in Sudan, which consists of 6 points: commitment to a permanent ceasefire, transforming Khartoum into a weapons-free capital, transferring the forces of the warring parties to assembly centers 50 kilometers away from the cities, deploying African forces to guard strategic institutions in the capital, improving the deteriorating humanitarian conditions due to the war, involving police and security forces in the process of securing public facilities, and launching a political process to resolve the crisis once and for all. The statement issued after a virtual meeting chaired by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni called for bold steps to address the growing crisis in the country after the current attempts to resume Jeddah Forum negotiations faltered, and called on all parties to the conflict to fully engage in a broad and comprehensive peace process in the city of Jeddah with the participation of the African Union AU the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and neighboring countries.
It also called on the warring parties to implement the agreements reached in the Declaration Jeddah issued on 11 May 2023 regarding the access of humanitarian assistance and the protection of civilians, and requested the Chairperson of the Commission to convene a meeting of the expanded mechanism as soon as possible, and agreed to form a committee led by Museveni to organize a meeting between Burhan and Hemedti.
Production of an Initiative:

A pressing question comes to mind: Why did the African Union AU , the Peace and Security Council PSC and IGAD wake up now and not yesterday and not tomorrow? What made them reproduce their old initiative and adopt a cessation of war in Sudan after the same initiative had failed earlier and had not progressed to reach what things had reached in the Jeddah forum?
Al-Zain Al-Kamel, a university professor at the University of Nilein, says that the matter has become clear: “Look for the Emirates” in the subject and you will find an explanation for many political matters in the kidnapped Sudanese political scene.
He added, “It seems that the repercussions of Ambassador Al-Harith’s speech are not only in New York, Abu Dhabi and Geneva, but even in Nairobi, Addis Ababa and Entebbe.”
He continued, “Sudan moved in the Security Council, so the Emirates moved in the African Union AU and its organizations.
It seems that this is the equation, but I have no doubt that the Emirates is behind the move of the African Union AU which has unfortunately become a card used by Abu Dhabi to pass its agendas and pressure its opponents.” He added, “You notice here that the African Union AU did not put forward a new initiative or new ideas, but rather put forward the same ideas that the Sudanese government had previously rejected.
This indicates that the African Union AU asked it to hold the session in a hurry and did not even arrange its affairs, which forced it to put forward an old initiative that has no value and to assign the President of Uganda, who is unable to get up from his chair to greet his guests, to organize a meeting between Burhan and Hemedti.
The matter has gone beyond the reasonable to the point of being “Nasty”.
Movements and agenda
The team of Madani, the chief expert at the African Center for Strategic Studies, said, “We should not expect much from such movements that will appear whenever Sudan moves and achieves victories on all tracks, whether political or military. This will not make a difference because whoever is behind the movements is the one who leads their scene.
They are ultimately tools, as is the Rapid Support Forces RSF which some simpletons and deceived people believed was working on their agenda, whatever it may be, but in reality it was a tool in the hands of whoever pays the money and moves it.”

The political researcher Ahmed Omar Khojali agreed with the opinion that the African Union’s movements are a reaction to what happened in the Security Council session and the strong accusations made by Sudan’s representative in the session, Ambassador Al-Harith, against the Emirates. This is a message from the Emirates that the Sudanese government should not pay attention to and that the army should continue managing its battle to defeat the Janjaweed.

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